Schoene Mahmood

Program Manager, Restorative Justice Project

Ms. Schoene Mahmood brings 16 years of experience with Restorative Justice Practices implementation at Loyola Marymount University. Schoene serves as the Program Manager of the CURes Restorative Justice Project to provide educational trainings, skill-building workshops, implementation coaching, and restorative conferencing facilitation. Most recently, the RJ Project was awarded a grant to establish the Southern California Restorative Justice Consortium. Schoene is overseeing the So Cal Consortium which aims to educate future generations of RJ leaders for scholarship, practice, and implementation, and create a regional model that can be replicated nationwide. Schoene was the recipient of the LMU Center for Reconciliation and Justice Hidden Heroes Award 2023. 

Before joining CURes, Schoene facilitated Community Conferences for 400+ juvenile expulsion, arrest, and court-diversion cases referred by the Maryland State Attorney office, the Department of Juvenile Services, the Baltimore City Police Department, and Baltimore City schools while working at the Community Conferencing Center (now called Restorative Response Baltimore). Since moving to Los Angeles in 2011, Schoene has facilitated 300+ Restorative Conferences.