Note Taking Accommodations

Students may seek note-taking accommodations through the DSS Office. When a student applies for note-taking services, the DSS Office hires a student in the same course to record and upload notes following each class. These notes are intended solely for the DSS student and are not to be distributed to other students in the class.

Note-taking services are not meant to be used in place of classroom attendance. The notes provided are only supplemental to in-class work.

To recruit note-takers, the DSS Coordinator will send a request email to the course instructor. Then, the DSS Coordinator will email the class with an option to sign up as a note-taker. If no note-taker is found through this method, then the DSS Coordinator will email the faculty requesting their assistance in identifying a note-taker for the class.

Note-taking services are confidential. Students who request note-taking services are asked to provide the class name and CRN number. DSS then serves as an intermediary between the student and the note taker. At no time should the student's identity be revealed to the note taker without the student's expressed written consent.