Websites on Assessment

General assessment websites 

Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education: includes links to assessment resources organized by topic, including toolboxes of assessment methods, outcomes, program review, and other topics. 

WASC Senior College and University Commission: the website for LMU’s accrediting body; includes examples of rubrics for capstone projects and general education, as well as resources on how assessment informs accreditation. 

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment: includes resources assignment design and curriculum mapping, among other guides on effective assessment practices. 

Equity in assessment websites 

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment – Equity Resources: resources from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment on equitable assessment practices, including case studies that showcase these practices. 

Anthology webinars on approaches to socially just assessment: tutorials on equitable assessment practices from Anthology, a company that consults with colleges and universities on effective teaching and curricular practices. 

Discipline-specific assessment websites 

Humanities and Liberal Arts assessment project: assessment tools from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, based on the pedagogical and epistemic practices of the humanities. 

AAC&U STEM assessment resources: examples of STEM assessment tools compiled by the Association of American Colleges and Universities.  

IU Kelley School of Business assessment basics: a guide to assessment practices for business programs, from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. 

American Psychological Association – Assessment Cyberguide: assessment resources from the American Psychological Association; while the focus here is on undergraduate psychology programs, they are applicable across a wide range of programs.