Other Programs

Catholicism: Healing a Divided Church, March 2023: Catholics have brought divisions born in the political arena into the pews. They are deeply divided over LGBTQ inclusion, abortion, divorce, climate change, clerical sexual abuse, and Latin masses. How do we heal our fractured Church?

Former CNN anchor Carol Costello moderated a discussion featuring the new CEO and publisher of the National Catholic Reporter, Joe Ferullo; Christopher White, Vatican correspondent for NCR; Michael Sean Winters, author of “Left at the Altar: How Democrats Lost the Catholics and How Catholics Can Save the Democrats"; Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Chair of Catholic Theology, LMU and VP of the Catholic Theological Society of America; and Gabrielle Poma, M.A. Pastoral Theology ’24 (LMU).

Articulating Science, Fall 2022: MAJS embarked on a pilot project in cooperation with the School of Science and Engineering. Journalism and science/engineering professors taught a group of 30 science/engineering students about unbiased, trustworthy storytelling surrounding their research. The goal was to demonstrate how politics can poison scientific messaging to the detriment of the public health.

Sponsored Events

Mickey Huff, president of the Media Freedom Foundation, March 2023: “United States of Distraction: The Importance of a Free Press in an Era of Misinformation and Censorship”

An Evening with Media Scholar Nolan Higdon, November 2022: Dr. Higdon is the author of The Podcaster’s Dilemma: Decolonizing Podcasting in the Era of Capitalism (CFA, Journalism)

CMST RPA Event: Careers, Diversities and PR/Marketing, April 2022: Industry executives talked diversity with communication studies' students. The event was made into a podcast.