Activity / Media Design

two women collaborating behind a computer

Faculty interested in partnering with an instructional designer to create one or two pieces of instructional content or an online activity for their coursework. Examples may include the creation of an infographic, interactive video, tutorial, simulation or role play. Contact to schedule a meeting with an instructional designer.

Interactive Video

This instructional video was recorded on Zoom, edited with Camtasia, and uploaded to H5P for added interactivity.

Animated Hypothetical

This instructional video is an animated hypothetical video that was created using Vyond for Loyola Law School.

Animated Explainer

This instructional video is an animated explainer video that was created using Vyond.

Asynchronous Practice

This drag and drop activity was created on H5P and serves as asynchronous practice for Law students.


Samples of Embedded Graphics

screenshot of Brightspace Homepage on iMac

screenshot of youtube video embedded on Brightspace homepage, shown on laptop screen

screenshot of banner and youtube cover embedded on Brightspace Content page, on laptop screen

screenshot of Accessibility banner embedded on Brightspace, on iMac screen

Articulate Rise 360 Samples

Articulate Rise 360 is a powerful platform that can be used to create courses and interactive simulations.

Click on the following links to explore some examples that we have created:

person with a oculus quest 2 headset on