Internal Assessment Grant

Internal Assessment Grant

This grant program began in 2009 in response to faculty requests for more support for assessment work. The 2025 grants will provide funding for a limited number of program assessment activities during the summer months. 

Call for Proposals

Application Window: April 15th through May 15th, 2025

Purpose: The purpose of these grants is to support and advance faculty work in assessment of student learning outcomes within academic programs.

Award: Grants will be awarded for up to $1000 per project until funds are expended.

Use of Funds: Funds may be used for assessment activities that otherwise could not be completed during the academic year. Possible uses include assessment planning activities (e.g., in a department retreat), purchase of assessment resources (e.g., books, software, etc.), stipends for evaluation of student work products (e.g., portfolios, capstone experiences, etc.), development of assessment methods (e.g., rubric, exam, survey, etc.), and analysis of assessment data. Examples of successful assessment grants from Summer 2024 can be found here.

Eligibility: Stipends will be awarded only to continuing full-time tenured/tenure-track or clinical faculty, or full-time instructors. Priority will be given to first-time applicants. Department chairs and program directors who receive a summer stipend for their role are ineligible for a stipend under this grant.

Exclusions: Funds may not be used for assessment work that is being funded by other sources or for projects that have been previously supported through this program.

Application Deadlines: Applications will be accepted and undergo review beginning April 15th  through May 15th, 2025.

Grant Applications: All applications must include the following, and incomplete applications will not be considered.

  1. Title of the Summer Assessment Project
  2. Academic Department and Program.
  3. Name(s) of faculty member(s) responsible for the proposed assessment work.
  4. Description of project, including:
    • Learning outcomes to be examined
    • Outline of work that will be done with respect to the outcome(s)
    • Timeline for completion
  5. Fostering a culture of assessment:
    • Statement of how the proposed assessment work advanced the program’s assessment plan
    • Key deliverables, including how the success of the proposed project will be determined
  6. A brief statement of support from the Department Chair that indicates how the proposed project will contribute to the ongoing assessment work of the Department.
  7. Budget for project presented as a list of planned expenditures, including any stipends. Please itemize.

Special Consideration: Grant applications that are addressing any one of these themes will be given special consideration this year:

  1. Equity-minded Assessment
  2. Engaging Students in Assessment (Ex: Harnessing student voice on feedback on program learning outcomes, assessment practices, assessment tools, etc.)

Review Procedures: Submit applications via email to Russell Mayer, Interim Assistant Vice Provost for Educational Effectiveness and Assessment at  Please include “Summer Assessment Grant 2025” in the subject line of your email. The Assessment Advisory Committee may be called upon to assist in determining grant awardees.

Award Notification: Recipients of the Summer Assessment Grant 2025 will be notified via email in early June.

Grant Summary: Faculty awarded a grant are required to submit a grant summary by September 6th, 2025 to Russell Mayer at Please see the “Summer Assessment Grant Summary Guidelines” on the next page for more details.

Disbursement of Grant Funds: Awarded goods and materials may be purchased on or after June 1st, 2025. Upon request the goods and materials will be purchased for you, or you will be reimbursed following submission of receipts. Stipends will be disbursed upon submission of the grant summary.

For questions, please contact Russell Mayer, at


Summer Assessment Grant Summary Guidelines

Due September 6th, 2025

The grant summary must include:

1. Summary of completed activities

Refer to your grant application and award letter for a list of all proposed activities and deliverables.

2. Reflection

Describe how you met your criteria for success, as outlined in your grant application. If you did not meet your criteria for success, please explain.

3. Next Steps

The next steps to be taken in the assessment plan for the program. Specifically, explain how the work you’ve just completed will be utilized in the ongoing assessment work of the program.

4. Grant Summary Abstract (100 words)

The abstract may be edited by the Educational Effectiveness & Assessment staff and will be posted on the assessment website. 

Please note that stipends will be disbursed upon submission of the grant summary by the due date.