Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes

As a premier Catholic university rooted in both Jesuit and Marymount traditions, Loyola Marymount University declares its mission to be the encouragement of learning, the education of the whole person, and the service of faith and the promotion of justice. Through the completion of a foundational core curriculum, at least one rigorous major field of study, and through active participation in a community that is dedicated to empowering students to realize their potential in mind, body and spirit, students will be prepared to take their place in the global community and to practice ethical responsibility, promote social justice, and exercise compassionate leadership.

The following four broad undergraduate learning goals are intended to express the expectations for how all undergraduate students will achieve the mission of the university. Under each goal are corresponding student learning outcomes that express specific ways in which students should be able to demonstrate fulfillment of each goal. A pdf copy of the undergraduate learning goals and outcomes can be found here: Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes

For more on the process of constructing learning outcomes, see: Writing Student Learning Outcomes

1. Students will be creative and critical thinkers who are able to integrate and use knowledge and skills from an array of disciplines, possess lifelong learning skills and value new experiences as opportunities for growth.

Integrative learning: Students will be able to integrate knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines to examine questions

Creative and critical thinking: Students will be able to ask questions, solve problems and produce works through the innovation of ideas and concepts and by developing and justifying solutions through critical evaluation and analysis

Written and oral communication: Students will effectively express information both in writing and orally using conventions and forms appropriate to the intended audience

Quantitative literacy: Students will be able to comprehend, create and communicate arguments supported by quantitative evidence

Information literacy: Students will be able to identify information needs, locate and access relevant information and critically evaluate a diverse array of sources

Lifelong learning: Students will value intellectual growth, demonstrate curiosity about the world, and be able to increase their knowledge and skills outside the experience of a classroom

2. Students will have an appropriate depth of understanding of at least one academic discipline, including an understanding of what the discipline brings to light about what it means to be a human being fully alive.

Subject matter knowledge: Students will demonstrate an appropriate level of subject matter knowledge of at least one academic discipline

Test or generate knowledge: Students will be able to test or generate new knowledge using the methodology of at least one academic discipline

Purposes and uses: Students will be able to articulate the purposes and uses of at least one academic discipline

Disciplinary ethics: Students will understand and abide by the ethical standards of at least one academic discipline

Humanity: Students will be able to express what at least one academic discipline contributes to our understanding of the human experience

3. Students will demonstrate transformative growth and integration of their intellectual, physical, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual selves, and through a critical, self-reflective process evaluate and articulate their beliefs, values, faith and culture, as well as understand those of others.

Self-awareness: Students will be able to express how their beliefs, values, faith and culture shape their actions and attitudes

Intercultural knowledge and competence: Students will be able to effectively and appropriately interact in a variety of cultural contexts

Personal beliefs and faith: Students will be able to articulate how their personal belief system interconnects with various faith traditions

Diverse Perspectives: Students will demonstrate that they value the richness afforded by multiple perspectives

Whole person: Students will articulate the growth and integration they experience of their intellectual, physical, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual selves

4. Students will critically reflect on what they have learned to demonstrate reasoned judgment and respect for human dignity in working as ethical, compassionate leaders with and for others to build a more just world.

Respect for others: Students will demonstrate respect for individual and group difference in their interactions with others

Teamwork skills: Students will participate effectively in team problem-solving and decision-making situations

Civic knowledge and engagement: Students will apply their knowledge and experiences to address problems of social justice

Ethical reasoning and action: Students will be able to identify ethical issues and propose effective approaches to their resolution

Leadership skills: Students will lead others with compassion to develop and carry out a shared vision

Habit of service: Students will participate in activities that engage them in the service of human communities and the natural environment