Loyola Marymount University is committed to understanding and improving student learning. In early 2010 LMU adopted Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes. Since that time the Assessment Advisory Committee has selected one to two of the Outcomes each year to assess.
The schedule for assessing LMU's Undergraduate Learning Outcomes can be found here:
Undergraduate Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule
Findings from past assessments are summarized in the reports on the following pages:
University Learning Outcome Reports: summarize evidence of student achievement of LMU’s Undergraduate Learning Outcomes. Learning outcome reports are supplemented by information about:
- Measures used, including rubrics
- Actions taken across the University in light of assessment evidence
University Survey Reports: summarize indirect evidence of student achievement of LMU’s Undergraduate Learning Outcomes, including National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data. Survey reports are supplemented by information about:
- Survey instruments used
- Comparator group institutions
Please note: The data provided in the linked reports are provided for the purposes of internal understanding and improvement. Findings should not be communicated to an external audience (e.g., via websites, bulletins or other publicity materials) without the expressed authorization of the Office of Assessment.
If you need additional information, please contact our office at assessment@lmu.edu.