Psychology Paper Example Rubric

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Psychology Paper Example Rubric
Learning outcome: Students will be able to analyze, interpret, and apply psychological research findings.
Work product: Research Paper

Learning Outcome Component






Application of statistical analysis





Selects appropriate methods of statistical analysis

Choice of methods of summarizing and analyzing data is ideal for the dependent variable(s) and for answering the research question

Choice of methods of summarizing and analyzing data is appropriate for the dependent variable and for answering the research question


Some methods are not appropriate for the dependent variable or for answering the research question

None of the methods are appropriate for the dependent variable or for answering the research question

Performs statistical analysis correctly

Data analysis is complete and thorough; statistical analyses are performed properly

Statistical analyses are performed properly; data analysis may be incomplete; analyses, though correct, are lacking in thoroughness


Data are not analyzed beyond the descriptive level; inferential statistics are not performed or are performed incorrectly

There is no attempt to summarize or evaluate the data and only raw data are reported

Interpretation of findings





Interprets research findings appropriately

Draws inferences that are consistent with the data and scientific reasoning

Draws some inferences that are consistent with the data and scientific reasoning, but fails to draw other conclusions which may be deduced from the findings


Overinterprets findings and draws conclusions from the data which may not be justified, or fails to draw conclusions which may reasonably be deduced from the findings


Does not provide an interpretation of the data


Provides an explanation of the findings

Explains expected results and offers explanations for unexpected results

Explains expected results but does not adequately explain unexpected findings

Does not fully explain expected results or adequately explain unexpected results


Does not explain expected results, and ignores unexpected results

Application of






Identifies limitations of the study

Methods of the study are critically evaluated; identifies questions that are unanswered; identifies and describes suggestions for further research

Identifies questions that are unanswered; identifies and describes suggestions for further research; does not critically evaluate methods of study


Identifies questions that are unanswered; does not identify or describe suggestions for further research; does not critically evaluate methods of study

Methods of study are not critically evaluated; does not identify questions that are unanswered; does not suggest further research or follow-up studies

Applies findings to other contexts

Discusses possible applications of findings to contexts outside that of the study

Discusses possible applications of findings to contexts outside that of the study, but the discussion is somewhat unclear


Applications and extensions of research findings do not follow logically from the original research question


Does not discuss applications or extensions of the research findings

Rubric is a modification of one presented by: Maki, P. L. (2004). Assessing for learning: Building a sustainable commitment across the institution. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.