
Standing Committees

  • The Academic Affairs Policy Committee (AAPC) is a standing committee of the University to coordinate the development and review of academic policies. It is charged to review all new or revised academic policies, including those related to curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process, to ensure that policies have been developed in collaboration and consultation with the appropriate constituencies.


    Annual Report



  • Issues rulings to the Provost concerning appeals and other matters related to violations of the Academic Honesty Policy.


    Annual Report

    Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

  • Advises the Provost on all matters concerning undergraduate and graduate planning and review of academic programs.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

    Meetings: APRC meets every other week during Fall and Spring semesters

    Workload: APRC is one of the more active and demanding Faculty Committees. The work is done in subcommittees, generally two persons per committee. The volume or frequency of subcommittee work is generally 4-6 subcommittee assignments per year, though this could increase or decrease dependent upon the number of proposals and program reviews in any given year. Sub-committees review proposals, write a 1-2 page report with recommendations for and review by the full committee at committee meetings. Full committee members are expected to be conversant on all proposals and reviews in order to engage with subcommittee reports. Subcommittee assignments of new committee members pairs them with a veteran committee member during the first semester (or two). Depending upon the item being reviewed, a rubric is provided. How many hours per week the committee membership entails varies by proposal load and individual committee member, about 2-4 hours per week (meeting included) averaged over the entire academic year.

  • Provides a forum for members of the academy to provide input and make suggestions regarding their technology needs. The committee is also responsible for the determination of the annual Technology Grant awardees.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

    Meetings: ATC holds monthly meetings during the academic year

  • Oversees the policies of the Athletics Program to ensure their consistency with University policies, goals and mission of the University. The Athletic Advisory Board is mandated by NCAA rules and is not a University Standing Committee.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

  • Reviews the budget for the Westchester campus.


    Annual Report


  • Promotes excellence in teaching and provides high quality professional development in conjunction with the Center for Faculty Development. Responsibilities include the review of teaching assessment and the selection of teaching award recipients.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

    Meetings: The committee meets ongoingly throughout the academic year. Meetings are mainly online and days-time vary each semester.

    Review and selection of teaching award recipients occur typically in the spring. Selection of the new CFD Director occurs typically once every three years.

  • Evaluates the propriety of granting tenure and/or promotion to the members of the faculty. Recommendations are sent to the Executive Vice President and Provost and final approval is made by the President.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve on the committee for four years. Appointment is for one term. A person may be reappointed after at least a year’s absence from the Committee.

    Meetings: CRT meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-4 pm during the Spring semester, until it has completed review of the files, usually until late March or early April. Meetings are held in person, and all members must be present for a meeting to be held. However, members may participate virtually if necessary. The workload of the committee is heaviest over the winter break, and during January and February, when members are reading all the promotion portfolios. Committee members get one course release in the spring in compensation for the time commitment required, and the amount of reading.

  • The Faculty Awards Committee is a University committee, which determines the recipients of the President’s Fritz B. Burns Distinguished Teaching Award, the Rains Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Works, and the Rains Award for Excellence in Service.


    Annual Report

  • The purpose of the committee on Mission and Identity is to help nurture LMU’s identity as a Catholic university in the Jesuit and Marymount traditions; to encourage substantive conversation among faculty about the impact of religious faith on contemporary intellectual culture and our several disciplines; to provide leadership in orienting faculty towards the university’s mission of educating the whole person, encouraging learning, and serving faith and promoting justice; and to promote faculty participation in activities related to mission and identity.


    Annual Report



  • The Faculty Library Committee (FLC) is a University committee that serves as a forum for discussion of activities and issues within the library that affect the faculty and students of the university. Among others, it serves as advisors to the Dean of the Library in all matters of library policy of concern to the university faculty; and reviews the status of the budget.


    Annual Report



  • The LMU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a standing Committee of the University that ensures that animal care and use at LMU is in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. The LMU IACUC is responsible for overseeing the health and welfare of live vertebrate animals at Loyola Marymount University and for the review of research and teaching activities involving live vertebrate animals conducted at LMU.


    Annual Report



  • Committee is being constituted in 2021-2022. Description Forthcoming.


    Annual Report



  • The Intercultural Faculty Committee (IFC) is a University Committee which advises and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate and related committees, Office of Intercultural Affairs, the Colleges, Schools and related institutions on matters relating to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in regards to pedagogy, curriculum, and interfaculty affairs.


    Annual Report



  • The committee shall review and make recommendations on new and existing internationalization and global-local initiatives. The committee will coordinate with other university committees and offices that support internationalization. The committee will review and advise on policies and procedures for various opportunities such as teaching abroad, international and domestic fellowships/exchanges, and other global-local initiatives connected with internationalization.

    Committee is being constituted in 2021-2022


    Annual Report



  • The LMU Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all research protocols involving human research subjects prior to their initiation to ensure compliance.  The IRB has the authority to approve or deny, or to require modifications to, research activities that fall within its jurisdiction.


    Annual Report



  • The Sabbatical Review Committee (SRC) evaluates and makes recommendations to the Provost regarding approval of faculty sabbatical proposals. The Committee recommends policies to the Faculty Senate, the Committee on Excellence in Teaching and the Provost promoting the development of scholarship in conjunction with the sabbatical program.


    Annual Report



  • Description Forthcoming


    Annual Report



  • The University Core Curriculum Committee is a University Committee with authority to advise the Provost and the Senate on all matters concerning the implementation, review, and modification of the University Core Curriculum. The objectives of the committee are to review and approve course proposals and to regularly assess the core.


    Annual Report



  • The University Graduate Council (UGC) is a University committee, with responsibility for governance and infrastructure matters related to graduate education. Among others, the UGC reviews and develops central policies for graduate education, collaborates with the Academic Planning and Review Committee (APRC) regarding guidelines and criteria for graduate programs, provides connection, collaboration, and communication between the UGC and the college and school graduate committees as well as the Graduate Program Directors reviews issues related to the graduate student experience.


    Annual Report



  • The University Policy Committee (UPC) is a standing committee of the University that guides the review process for all newly proposed and revised university policies.


    Annual Report



  • The University Research Committee makes recommendations to the Provost and Faculty Senate on the development and revision of all policies supporting and governing research at LMU, advises the Provost and Faculty Senate on all existing and new university-wide research initiatives and structures, oversees the process and selects recipients for LMU’s Excellence in Extramural Funding Award and any other university-wide award for scholarship or creative activities (if not covered by other committees), advises on internal and external communication strategies about research opportunities and results.

    Committee is being constituted in 2021-2022


    Annual Report



  • The purpose of the University-Wide Teacher Education Committee (UTEC) is to share information, collaborate on teacher education initiatives, discuss current research-based practices, provide updates to credentialing standards, and specific program improvements. The committee meets once a semester.


    Annual Report



Special Committees

  • The role of the Advisory Board is to act as stewards of the Center for Ignatian Spirituality and to advise the Director in managing the resources and assets of the Center and to help the Center make Ignatian spirituality increasingly available to LMU faculty, staff and administrators.


    Annual Report



  • The purpose of the Loyola Marymount University Children’s Center Advisory Board (CCAB) is to provide advisory oversight and support of the Loyola Marymount University Children’s Center (LMUCC) activities.  This shall include fundraising, maintenance and facilities planning, and coordination with the LMUCC to ensure that the LMUCC holds to the Jesuit and Marymount values of the “encouragement of learning, the education of the whole person, the service of faith, and the promotion of justice.”


    Annual Report



  • The Committee on Public Art and Images reviews and advises university leadership on matters related to new and existing artwork and images presented on campus (subsequently referred to as “public art”). The committee advocates for a strategic approach that considers the university’s history, mission, values, and culture as it evaluates and recommends the installation, placement, replacement and/or modification of campus art displayed in designated exhibition and/or public spaces. The committee advances the university’s commitment to an inclusive, diverse, and creative teaching and learning environment as expressed through public art.


    Annual Report



  • The Committee on the Status of Women is a University Standing Committee identifies and addresses issues and opportunities of special interest to women students, staff and faculty on the LMU campus.


    Annual Report



  • The purpose of the Disability Support Services Advisory Committee (DSSAC) is to educate the University community about the challenges faced by students with physical, perceptual, learning, ADHD and psychiatric disabilities as well as to devise ways of meeting the growing needs of the disabled student population.


    Annual Report



  • The Enterprise Risk Management Advisor Council (ERMAC) advices and makes recommendations on the structure, policies and operation of the university’s enterprise risk management program and to serve as the mechanism for the open exchange of information and ideas with regard to risk management issues.


    Annual Report



  • The Enterprise Technology Committee (ETC) advises Information Technology Services on technology solutions for University administrative processes.


    Annual Report



  • The Honors Advisory Council is a University Special Committee and performs an advisory function to the University Honors Program.


    Annual Report



  • The purpose of the Intercultural Advisory Committee is to advise the President, through the Vice President for Intercultural Affairs, and make recommendations on policies, procedures, programs, and issues related to diversity and interculturalism. In the advisory role, it identifies, monitors, and evaluates the effectiveness of strategies that encourage the leadership and involvement of faculty, staff and students in transforming LMU into an intercultural community.


    Annual Report


  • The Marketing Advisory Committee (MAC) considers, develops, and recommends strategies related to university marketing initiatives. It advocates for the marketing needs and goals of campus stakeholders and serves a critical role in fostering a free exchange of creative ideas and solutions. The committee advances an integrated and unified university brand that maximizes the university’s external visibility, enhances its reputation, promotes a positive image, and more effectively achieves its strategic goals.


    Annual Report



  • The Parking Advisory Committee and Parking Appeals Board (PAC) exists to promote and protect the interests of the LMU community and shall serve as the sole appellate body for parking re-appeals by any employee, student, affiliate or guest on the LMU campus. The Governance and Bylaws Committee is a Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate.  Its purpose is to advise the Senate concerning the establishment and maintenance of a healthy governance structure and practices for the university; concerning the Senate’s own system of self-government, including questions regarding its Constitution and Bylaws; and concerning such questions of deliberative process as shall be referred to it by the Senate. 


    Annual Report



  • The Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) engages in regular dialogue with Public Safety leadership and staff to provide feedback and share insights related to safety and security on campus. It collaborates on campus safety matters and initiatives—including general security, Clery Compliance, Environmental Health and Safety, and Emergency Management—to enhance outreach, communication, and campus safety policies and procedures.


    Annual Report



  • The committee’s objectives are to maintain the improved educational programs, opportunities and support for pre-service K-12 math and science teachers. To support and further enhance curricular and pedagogical improvements, to maintain collaborative connections and to continue ongoing collaborative activities on campus and with the Los Angeles educational institutions and schools.


    Annual Report



  • The University Comprehensive Benefits Committee (UCBC) is a University Special Committee at Loyola Marymount University (LMU). It advises the President, Provost, Human Resources, Faculty Senate, and University at large on the University’s benefits program.


    Annual Report



  • Informs the members of the Board of Trustees on matters concerning the life and well-being of the University, its faculty and its students.


    Annual Report

    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms.

    Meetings: The Trustee Committees meet 3-4 times a year. Most meetings take place on the day of the board meetings. However, the Endowment and Audit & Risk do not meet on board day and meet as needed. Meetings are held in person, members may participate over the phone at the discretion of the committee chair.

    Members must be available to attend a representative orientation in the Fall semester prior to attending their first committee meeting. The date of the orientation is usually the morning of the first Board meeting of the academic year (typically the first Monday of October).


Faculty Senate Committees

  • The Committee on Committees (CoC) is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate and reports to the Faculty Senate. Its charge is to recommend faculty membership for all University Standing and Special Committees to the Senate Executive. The committee also oversees the collection and maintenance of all bylaws and statutes of committees having a majority of faculty membership. The committee compiles the year-end reports of all University Standing and Special and Faculty Senate Committees for distribution to the faculty and administration.


    Annual Report


    Terms of Office: Faculty members serve three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms served consecutively.

    Meetings: The CoC meets on an “as needed” basis in the Fall semester. In the Spring semester the committee meets more frequently to prepare the committee preference survey, review its results, and make committee appointment recommendations to the Faculty Senate. The workload is moderate.

    Committee Placement: When recommending faculty to the Senate Executive, the CoC takes many factors into account. These factors include, but are not limited to: committee membership requirements, survey responses, reappointment, workload equity, tenure status, balanced representation in the committee, and expertise.


  • Description Forthcoming


    Annual Report



  • The Committee on the Economic Status of Faculty (hereafter ESOF) is a Committee of the Faculty Senate and reports to the Faculty Senate Executive. ESOF addresses issues and concerns related to merit, compensation, salary, benefits, and cost of living for LMU faculty, including Tenure-line, Term, and Contingent faculty.


    Annual Report



  • The Faculty Handbook and Academic Life Committee is a Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate.  The Committee’s purpose is to advise the Senate in the task of defining and defending academic life as it is expressed in the Faculty Handbook, and to be responsible for maintaining the Faculty Handbook and Faculty Handbook Addenda and for monitoring proposed amendments to the Faculty Handbook and Faculty Handbook Addenda. 


    Annual Report



  • Description Forthcoming


    Annual Report



  • The Grievance Committee serves a fundamental role within the shared governance structure at Loyola Marymount University, providing faculty a grievance process administered by their peers. The Grievance Committee also fulfills the university’s obligation to its accreditation organization, WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), which requires member institutions to “maintain appropriate grievance policies and procedures”. To meet WSCUC requirements of transparency, the faculty grievance process is outlined in section V.A. of the Faculty Handbook. The Grievance Committee is composed of seven members elected by the full-time faculty and professional librarians and is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate.

    Faculty who feel they have cause for grievance may contact any member of the Grievance Committee. Faculty are encouraged to reach out to the committee to learn more about the grievance process, discuss their case and/or to submit a petition. A petition form is also available upon request for faculty who prefer to write the committee.

    Grievance Application Form


    Confidentiality Policy

    Recusal Policy




Ad-Hoc Committees

  • Description Forthcoming


    • Cecilia González-Andrieu, Professor, Theological Studies, BCLA
    • Véronique Flambard-Weisbart, Professor, Modern Languages & Literatures, BCLA
    • Cathy McGrath, Associate Professor, Management, CBA
    • Brenden Smith, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, CSE
    • Amy Woodson-Boulton, Associate Professor, History, BCLA
  • Description Forthcoming


    • Linh Hua,  Instructor of Rhetorical Arts, University Core Curriculum
    • Inas Kelly, Associate Professor, Economics, BCLA
    • Blake Mellor, Professor, Mathematics, CSE
    • Rachel Washburn, Associate Professor, Sociology, BCLA

    Interim Report, Summary on the Merit Survey Results, April 2021

  • Description Forthcoming


    • Michael Daley, Assistant Clinical Professor, Screenwriting, SFTV
    • Yu Li, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages & Literatures, BCLA
    • Diane Meyer, Professor, Art & Art History, CFA
    • Manual Ponce, Associate Clinical Professor, Educational Leadership, SOE
  • The charge of the Faculty Senate Working Group on Contingent and Term was to identify problems related to non-tenure-track faculty (NTTF) and to suggest solutions. The Working Group consisted of sixteen members from all Westchester campus colleges and schools representing all faculty categories with the exception of Postdoctoral Fellows.

    Members [plus five others]:

    • Jill Bickett, Clinical Professor, Director, Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice, SOE
    • Nick Brown, Assistant Clinical Professor, Minor Director, Bioethics Institute, BCLA
    • Dong Chen, Associate Professor, Strategic Management & International Business, CBA
    • Paige Edley, Professor, Communication Studies, CFA
    • David Garden, Senior Lecturer, SFTV
    • Anna Harrison, Associate Professor, Theological Studies, BCLA, Chair
    • Dorothea Herreiner, Associate Professor, Economics, BCLA
    • James Holmes, Senior Lecturer, CFA
    • Michelle Lum, Assistant Professor, Seaver College
    • Brian Moss, Senior Lecturer, CFA
    • Angelique Young, Writing Instructor and Rhetorical Arts Instructor, Core

    Report on Non-Tenure Track Faculty, September 2019


Any corrections or questions, please contact