Motions, Decisions, and Statements
- Vote of No Confidence [02/20/2025]
- Call for Secret Ballot [02/20/2025]
- Meeting Extension [02/20/2025]
- ESOF Motion Postponed to New Business [02/06/2025]
- LMU Children’s Center Support [02/06/2025]
- Endorsement of ESOF Recommendations [02/06/2025] ESOF 2024 Report
- Review of Final Proposal of the Working Group on NTTF Language, Titles, Ranks, and Categories by the Committee on Faculty Handbook and Academic Life Committee [02/06/2025]
- Faculty Vote on NTTF Title Initiatives [01/23/2025]
- Full Faculty Vote on Proposed NTTF Language, Titles, Ranks, and Categories Faculty Handbook Changes, [12/05/2024]
- Faculty Senate Endorsement of the Working Group NTTF Language, Titles, Ranks, and Categories Faculty Final Proposal, [12/05/2024]
- AI Transcription of Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, [10/31/2024]
- Presidential Search and Faculty Membership on Search Committee, [10/31/2024]
- Faculty Feedback Included in 10.03.24 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, [10/03/2024]
- Rejection of the Interim Policy on Faculty Rights to Free Speech and Assembly Draft, [10/03/2024] - Provost Response
- Compensation Review, [09/05/2024]
- Faculty Handbook Changes, [05/01/2024]
- Endorsement of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Thinking Task Force Report, [05/01/2024]
- Academic Calendar, [05/01/2024]
- Revoting of UCCC Proposals, [04/25/24]
- Research Integrity Policy, [04/25/2024] - LMU Research Integrity Policy Report
- No Revote Grievance Committee Election, [04/11/2024]
- Request Governance Bylaws Committee Consider Senate Materials Available to All Faculty, 04/11/2024
- Committee on Rank and Tenure Bylaws Change, 04/11/2024
- UCCC Proposals and Revoting, [04/11/2024]
- Faculty Handbook Changes, [03/14/2024]
- Office of Faculty Development Endorsement, [03/14/2024] - CFD Proposal Presentation for Senate
- Return CET Part-Time Excellence Proposal with Faculty Senate Feedback, [02/15/2024]
- Online Registrar Forms, [02/15/2024]
- Working Group NTTF Language Titles Ranks Categories, [02/15/2024] - Provost Response
- Faculty Vote on Experiential Learning for Mission Core Curriculum Designation [02/01/2024]
- Review of the University Registrar, [02/01/2024] - Provost Response
- Resolution Supporting Right to Organize, [11/30/2023]
- Rejection of Classroom Shortage Short Term proposal, [11/30/2023], Original Meeting Pattern Recommendation
- Support of UCCC Experiential Learning for Mission Faculty Discussion, [11/30/2023]
- Endorsement of Revision to University Core Curriculum Program Learning Outcomes, [11/16/2023]
- Clarification of Proposal for Experiential Learning for Mission Core Designation, [11/16/2023]
- Just Employment Policy, [10/19/2023] - Provost Response
- Endorsement of Revised Athletic Advisory Board Bylaws, [09/21/2023]
- Faculty Handbook Updates, [09/07/2023] - Provost Response
- Governance and Bylaws Committee Review of Special Elections, [09/07/2023]
- Table Discussion of Faculty Handbook Revisions, [05/04/2023]
- Distribution of Sustained Merit Plan, [05/04/2023] - Sustained Merit Plan for Loyola Marymount University
- Transparency in TT Reduction and Hiring, [05/04/2023]
- Joint Task Force on Interdisciplinary and Integrative Thinking, [04/27/2023]
- Reduction of Pell Grants, [04/27/2023]
- Withdrawal Credit No Credit Deadline, [04/13/2023] - Provost Response
- Postponed Discussion of Removing Student Evaluations Language from Faculty Handbook, [04/13/2023]
- Request for Provost Reconsideration of Senate NTTF, [03/30/2023] - Provost Response
- Task Force on Summative Teaching Assessment, [03/30/2023] - Task Force for Summative Formative Assessment of Teaching Document, [03/09/2023] - Provost Response
- Submit LMU Faculty Salary Data to AAUP Database, [03/30/2023] - Provost Response
- Course Banking Policy Draft to be Shared with Administration, [03/16/2023] - Provost Response
- Metaversity Information Request, [03/16/2023] - Provost Response, ATC Response
- Faculty Feedback Merit Working Group Draft Proposal, [03/16/2023]
- Retiring Faculty Title, [02/16/2023] - Provost Response
- Request for Data and Faculty Input on Class Schedule Changes, [02/02/2023] - Provost Response
- HERI Survey Results, [01/12/2023] - ODEI Response
- PROWL Structure Preservation, [12/01/2022] - Registrar Response
- Change of Withdrawal Deadline, [12/01/2022]
- Request for Provost Response to Part-Time/Contingent Faculty Motion Previous Passed 02/24/2022, [11/17/2022] - Provost Response
- Course Schedule Classroom Availability [10/06/2022] - Provost Response
- SAT-ACT Test Optional Policy [9/22/2022]
- SAT-ACT [5/5/22]
- Commencement - Convocation [5/5/22] - Provost Response
- Workday [4/7/22]
- Campus Access [3/24/22]
- Travel [3/24/22]
- Online Teaching Accommodations [3/24/22]
- BIRT Student Protocol and Guidelines [3/24/22]
- COVID-19 Rank and Tenure Provisions [2/24/22] - Provost Response
- Summer Teaching [2/24/22] - Provost Response
- TELIG Provisions [2/24/22]
- Mask Wearing [2/24/22]
- Non-Tenure Track Faculty Conditions of Employment and Integration into the University [2/24/22]
- Policy List [1/27/22]
- Compensation Increase [1/27/22] - Provost Response
- Restoration 403b [1/27/22] - Provost Response
- New Schedule [1/27/22] - [Schedule][Background]
- Faculty Protections [1/13/22] -- References: [LMU Student Conduct Code] [Umass Guide] [UPenn Guide]
- Spring 2022 Teaching Modality [1/13/22]
- Faculty Protections [12/09/21]
- Part-Time Faculty Pay [12/09/21]
- Mid-Cycle Compensation [12/09/21]
- Travel [11/18/21]
- FSR [11/18/21]
- Suggested Faculty Handbook Changes 1 [11/04/21]
- Enrollment Period [10/21/21]
- Campus Access [10/7/21]
- COVID Policies and Information [9/9/21] -- Provost Response
- Workday [9/9/21]
- Data Sharing with Faculty [5/13/21] -- Provost Office Response - Financial Data Website
- Faculty Senate Executive Elections AY 2021-22 [4/29/21]
- Faculty Senate Elections Spring 2021 [4/22/21]
- Vaccination Requirement [4/22/21]
- Service Recognition of Non-Tenure-Line Faculty [4/22/21]
- Dissolution of Programs [4/22/21] - Provost Response
- Faculty Lists [4/15/21]
- Faculty Senate Administrative Support [4/15/21]
- Meetings and Voting Standards AY 2021-22 [4/15/21]
- Support of Student Athletes [4/15/21]
- Recommendations on the Consideration of Systemic Racism in R&T [4/15/21]
- Divest from Fossil Fuels ]3/25/21]
- Summer Schedule Options [3/25/21] - Provost Response
- COVID Accommodations [3/11/21]
- SFTV Faculty Assembly Motions [3/11/21]
- Outdoor Study Sessions [3/11/21]
- Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of Teaching Assessment [2/25/21]
- Fall Teaching Planning [2/12/21]
- Summary Feedback Strategic Plan [2/11/21]
- COVID-19 Rank & Tenure Riders [2/4/21]
- Expansion of Mental Health Benefits [1/14/21]
- Spring 2021 W and CR/NC Deadline [12/10/20]
- Recommendations Housing Committee [12/10/20]
- Response: TELTF Report [11/19/20], TELTF Report
- University Holiday: Juneteenth [11/19/20]
- Spring Semester Breaks [11/19/20]
- Response ASLMU Fall Support Requests [11/9/20]
- Window of Student Evaluations of Teaching [10/22/20]
- Election Day [10/22/20]
- Pre-Tenure Sabbaticals [10/22/20]
- Faculty Survey Reports for 2020 [10/8/20]
- Student Surveys of Teaching [10/8/20]
- Recommendations Faculty Hall of Fame [10/1/20]
- AB 736 [9/24/20]
- Peer Observation of Teaching [8/27/20]
- Budget [8/12/20]
- Meetings and Voting Standards [7/30/20]
- Online and Hybrid Teaching AY 2020-21 [7/14/20]
- Faculty on Contingent and Term Contracts [7/14/20]
- Use of Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 SET's [7/1/20]
- Merit for CY 2020 [7/1/20]
- Fall 2021 Teaching, closed 5/7/21
- Merit Survey, closed 2/19/21
- CET Survey on Teaching Evaluations and Academic Honesty, closed 1/15/21
Reports and Other Material
- Final Proposal on NTTF Language, Titles, Ranks and Categories - December 2024.
- Fall 2021 Teaching Survey - May 2021.
- Interim Report - Summary on the Merit Survey Results, April 2021. Supporting Material.
- Report on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty, September 2019.
Access to communications and material on this page may be limited to LMU faculty and staff and require a valid LMU login.
Any questions should be directed to the Faculty Senate Executive at