Restorative Conferences

These case studies illustrate how Restorative Conferences work. Please note that the names referenced within the case studies have been changed for privacy purposes.


The Teacher / Student Discord Case Study displays the efficacy of Restorative Conferences to address a teacher concerned about a student's trajectory and elevate their potential.

Higher Education

The Motorcycle Parking Issues Case Study deals with a series of incidents involving multiple parties where a Restorative Conference was convened to come to a resolution.

The COVID Mask Community Member Conferences Case Study addresses how the Restorative Conference process can be used communicate impact and concerns.

The Bonkers for Banners Case Study addresses how a matter of theft was resolved with dialogue, accountability, and actions taken to repair the harm. 

The Disappearing TV Case Study applies Restorative Conferencing to a theft incident involving multiple parties communicating to reach a resolution.

Community Building Circles

These case studies illustrate how Community Building Circles work. Please note that the names referenced within the case studies have been changed for privacy purposes.


The Stolen Phone Case Study addresses a student's phone that went missing during class with a teacher that uses Community Building Circles to address the situation. 

The Foreign Language Made Fun Case Study displays how a teacher uses restorative conversations to address language barriers through creative communication.  

The Instagram Case Study shows how a teacher uses the talking piece of restorative practices to address the issues that can arise from social media.

The Talking Circle Case Study applies the concept of Talking Circles that teachers can implement in the classroom to help students deal with a variety of issues.