Bradley McCoy
Dr. Bradley "Peanut" McCoy is a Professor of Physics at Azusa Pacific University. His areas of scholarship are phase transitions in liquid crystals, educational research on problem solving and students' epistemologies in physics and Earth science, and leadership in general education reform. He is a recipient of Azusa Pacific University's University Leadership award. He has published over 20 articles in journals such as Physical Review Letters.
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Chris Rasmussen
Chris Rasmussen, Ph D., is Professor of mathematics education and Associate Chair in the department of mathematics and statistics at San Diego State University. His research investigates inquiry-oriented approaches to the learning and teaching of undergraduate mathematics, focusing on how mathematical ideas are developed through student exploration and teacher-student classroom discourse. He has been at the forefront of a national study of successful calculus programs, which has identified a number of programmatic features that are common among the programs identified as being more successful than peer institutions. Currently, he is leading a national study of the Precalculus to Calculus 2 sequence with the goal of better understanding current departmental practices related to these courses.
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