CTE Director Karie Huchting leading a workshop

The CFD provides professional development workshops for LMU faculty to continue their life-long learning. We offer a formative and constructive space for faculty, led by faculty. Events and workshops are open to all LMU faculty. Our goal is to build community, while we support and inspire each other.

Some events are earmarked for faculty only (e.g., no students & no staff). This is not intended to exclude members of our community, but rather to provide space where faculty can engage in open discussion. Some events are open to all of our LMU community.

Please read the description of the events and RSVP! If you forget to RSVP, you’re still most welcome to attend the event, but please note that food will be available based on RSVP numbers.

The CFD offers three types of workshops:

  • CFD-sponsored workshopswhere LMU faculty generate and facilitate faculty-to-faculty peer workshops;
  • CFD Co-Sponsoredworkshops where the CFD partners with offices across LMU on topics that affect faculty teaching/learning, scholarship/creative practice, and/or leadership/professional development
  • Partner workshopswhere the CFD hosts partners for tutorials and presentations on topics of interest to faculty teaching/learning, scholarship/creative practice, and/or leadership/professional development

If you are an office on campus or a faculty member interested in offering an event through the CFD, please email CFD@lmu.edu to start the process of requesting an event. We look forward to seeing you at the CFD!