The Advisory Board for The Marymount Institute for Faith, Culture, and the Arts
- Lane Bove, Chair of the Board, Marymount College Alumna*
- Jennifer Abe, Interim Director, Marymount Institute, Professor of Psychological Science*
- Hon. Judge (retired) Irma Brown, Marymount College Alumna
- Kat Brown, Director of Mission and Identity Programs, Mission and Ministry
- Isabella Garcia, undergraduate student, Marians Service Organization
- Sr. Mary Genino R.S.H.M., ex officio, Provincial Superior, RSHM*
- Karie Huchting, Professor of Educational Leadership, School of Education*
- Sr. MaryAnne Huepper, CSJ, Associate Director, CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice
- Louvenia Jackson, Chair and Associate Professor of Marital & Family Therapy / Art Therapy, College of Communication and Fine Arts
- Layla Karst, Graduate Director and Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
- Terri Mangione, Dean of Students and Vice President of Student Affairs
- Lisa Piumetti Farland, Executive Director of Strategic Alumni Engagement
- Norma Provencio, President, Provencio Advisory Services
- Mairead Sullivan, Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
- Audrey Ann Wood, undergraduate student, member of Gryphon Circle
Note that members identified with an asterisk (*) also serve on the executive committee, which meets regularly to support the activities of the Marymount Institute.