Faculty Learning Communities

The LMU Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) program brings faculty together to discuss ideas about teaching, teaching challenges, and educational research. Faculty interested in leading an FLC submit a proposal to the CFD, identifying a central theme related to teaching and learning to be discussed in-depth over the year. Each FLC group consists of 6 to 10 members, typically from different disciplines.  The facilitator works with the CFD Director to organize a group.  Typically, groups commit to meeting for 1.5 to 2 hours every three weeks for one year.  Groups that elect to meet at the CFD will have food provided for their meetings.  In groups that want to have in-depth discussion of books on teaching, each member of the group will be provided with a copy of the book to be discussed.  Some groups may elect to meet virtually using Zoom video conferencing software.

Please check out the LMU Faculty Learning Communities Program on the CFD site for more information.