Priority I: Data Quality
Provide leadership in the collection and maintenance of quality, relevant, and timely data to meet strategic decision-making and accountability demands.
Goal I: Help advance LMU's data governance efforts to improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the data pipeline and reporting through partnership with:
1. Data stewards to foster a culture of data accountability
2. The Assistant Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives to support the establishment of a university-wide data documentation initiative
3. Data reporters to establish a common understanding of each unit’s reporting responsibilities
Goal II: Improve and formalize IRDS’ data checking, cleaning, and processing procedures
1. Establish a best practices toolkit for various scenarios to ensure data quality
2. Formalize standard data operating procedures or process templates to ensure processes are adequately documented, and consolidate duplicated documentation
3. Evaluate and unify IRDS definitions and calculations
4. Investigate how Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve data checking and cleaning processes.
Priority II: Research
Prioritize the production of rigorous research studies that provide actionable and accessible insights to support evidence-based decision-making across the institution, with a focus on student success research.
Goal I: Conduct research that supports student success, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and other institutional priorities.
1. Create an infrastructure that allows for the streamlining of recurring research studies
2. Remain active on current research in the field and incorporate relevant findings in our research
3. Consult with administrators actively working with students to explore factors impacting student success
4. Create a research plan for the next five years that addresses the needs of decision-makers at the university, particularly as it relates to student success research
5. Investigate how Artificial Intelligence can be used to advance our research endeavors
Goal II: Increase our access to data related to student success for use in our research
1. Identify data gaps in our research related to student success
2. Identify and collaborate with key offices and partners who serve as data stewards over student success data
3. Serve as an advocate for systematic, high-quality data collection, storage, and maintenance
Goal III: Serve as the campus experts on student success research
1. Consult on major institutional analyses related to student success
2. Produce actionable and accessible insights from our research
3. Grow our reputation for conducting high-quality research
Priority III: Empower Users
Enhance the awareness and ability of data consumers to obtain actionable insights from IRDS reporting.
Goal I: Increase the visibility of IRDS across the university
1. Develop and implement a marketing strategy to increase awareness of IRDS across the university
2. Strategically identify and engage new data consumers who would benefit from access to IRDS reporting
Goal II: Assess the needs of IRDS data consumers
1. Interview existing users to understand their needs and level of expertise
2. Develop ongoing feedback mechanisms
Goal III: Enhance support to users through increased collaboration and self-service
1. Proactively share information with administrators that can support their planning and decision-making needs
2. Reestablish an Institutional Research Coordinating Group to support analytical staff on campus
3. Evaluate and improve IRDS data visualizations to enhance ease of navigation, comprehensibility, and encourage exploration
4. Expand existing data sets and create new data sets to include frequently requested data points
5. Migrate IRDS commonly requested/used data files into the DSE data warehouse
6. Develop new Tableau reports based on the needs of users
Priority IV: Organizational Capacity
Enhance the organizational capacity of IRDS that meets growing demands on the office and fosters a culture in which staff feel supported and valued.
Goal I: Recruit talented staff who will help contribute to the effectiveness and growth of the office.
1. Develop trainings and resources for staff to identify talented candidates.
2. Increase our visibility and highlight our strengths by attending and/or presenting at conferences, attending career panels, and posting examples of our work and positive office culture on the IRDS website.
3. Examine IRDS job descriptions and ensure that they emphasize our positive work culture, incentives, and university benefits.
4. Host informational sessions for job openings to increase applicant insight into careers in IR, information about the skills needed, and knowledge about IRDS.
Goal II: Continuously grow and maintain staff skills, knowledge, and engagement in the broader higher education landscape.
1. Assess current staff professional development needs and interests.
2. Provide consistent professional development opportunities and trainings.
3. Ensure staff have the information and resources they need to be successful in their role.
Goal III: Encourage and prioritize staff retention.
1. Obtain anonymous feedback on staff work satisfaction regularly and inquire about HR exit interview data. Adjust actions related to encouraging staff retention based on survey results.
2. Utilize clear office values and expectations to promote a positive, inclusive, and healthy work culture where staff feel valued and respected.
3. Create a culture of staff acknowledgment and appreciation.