This website includes a collection of the most current and some historical LMU statistics. They are developed from the databases of real-time transactions maintained by functional offices: Admissions, Registrar, Controller, and Human Resources. From these records the IR office produces and maintains the comprehensive data files used for institutional studies, evaluation projects, and grant writing.
There are two types of numbers in this section. First there are simple counts and tabulations describing and summarizing information about students (e.g., counts of new freshmen or tabulations of applicants to each College/School). These counts and tabulations are reported by the functional offices, some are incorporated into LMU's official statistical record. Second are more sophisticated calculated statistics such as graduation rates or time to degree. IR operationalizes and calculates these statistics in accordance with educational standards and convention.
It is worth mentioning that IR works especially closely with the Office of the Registrar to ensure that counts and tabulations coming from both offices match. In particular, every academic term the registrar chooses an appropriate day to conduct a census, and then both offices report enrollment statistics as of the census date. Traditionally every term the Registrar's Office has produced a book of enrollment tables for general campus use. Rather than reproduce work that relates the same information, we provide links to this information in the enrollment section of this website.