What Students Are Saying

ACE Students


The ACE program is a community that encourages all students in the program to strive towards reaching their full potential. Although this is the first semester taking the LIBA 1001 class, the program has already provided me with opportunities to learn more about graduate schools, experiential opportunities, and resources that I have access to that support me. All of the discussions that we have had in the ACE class has helped me realize what I need to start my journey for my path to graduate school, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what more I can do right now to stand out amongst other applicants. 

- Sarah Omachi, Class of 2025

ACE is an excellent opportunity for students to thrive in a community of scholars where our purpose is to learn more about graduate and professional school. With the resources and instruction given, ACE fully prepares students to be exceptional candidates for graduate and professional school. The blend of in-class instruction and out of class activities such as attending conferences, makes ACE a distinguished program. I am grateful to have been part of the program and hope future scholars see this program as a necessity to learn more about what happens after our undergraduate years at LMU. 

- Bryan Ardon Contreras, Class of 2024