There is no rehearsal for Commencement.
Report to Gersten Pavilion by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 11, 2019.
Students should look for the persons holding the banners of their college or school and line up single file behind those signs.
Only degree candidates will be allowed in the line-up areas. Parents and guests may not assemble with degree candidates but, rather, should proceed directly to the seating area in Sunken Garden.
Alcohol is not permitted in either the line-up areas or in Sunken Garden.
Commencement staff will direct students to line up for the procession. Graduating students within a college or school who wish to sit together should stand single file behind each other.
Students should assemble dressed in academic attire and with their name cards in hand to prepare for the procession of candidates to Sunken Garden.
The procession to Sunken Garden will begin at 9:00 a.m.