Students process into Sunken Garden before the faculty and administration and are seated row by row as directed by Commencement staff.
Remove hats and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem.
You are expected to remain at your seat during the ceremony.
Stand when your college or school is announced.
Proceed to the stage area as directed by Commencement staff one row at a time and present your name card to the reader, who announces your name as printed on the card.
The mortarboard tassel should be to the right.
It is important that you stay in the same order as when you handed in your name card, since this order determines which proof-photos you will receive.
Walk across the stage to receive your diploma cover.
Return to your seat as directed and remain seated until the ceremony is finished.
Recess from Sunken Garden following the faculty, exiting row by row as directed by Commencement staff.