Recruitment & Hiring

Process for Hiring Tenure-line and Term Faculty

The materials below provide process information and resources for faculty search committees, chairs, and Deans for recruiting and hiring tenure-track faculty for mission and inclusive excellence at Loyola Marymount University.  The bedrock assumption of the search process is that departments will hire outstanding candidates who will demonstrate a consistent pattern of excellence in scholarship and/or creative activities, teaching/advising, and service over the course of their career at the university.

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion developed this booklet to provide a summary of the hiring process for all full-time faculty.  Recruiting and Hiring for Mission and Inclusive Excellence (Tenure-Track Faculty).  LMU utilizes PeopleAdmin for all searches.  Please reference the Recruiting and Hiring Exceptional Teacher-Scholars for Mission Flowchart for information about the process. 

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has developed Recruitment & Hiring Resources, including: Guidelines for Recruiting & Hiring Exceptional Teacher-Scholars for Mission, Guidelines for Recruiting & Hiring Endowed Chairs and President's Professors, and Request to waive a search for faculty.  Please visit their website for more information.

Faculty Recruitment Boilerplate

Loyola Marymount University, a Carnegie classified R2 institution in the mainstream of American Catholic higher education, seeks outstanding applicants who value its mission and share its commitment to inclusive excellence, the education of the whole person, and the building of a just society. LMU is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment as defined by federal, state and local law. We invite all persons in the full diversity of their being, life experiences, and beliefs to apply. Please read more about our commitments and our efforts at Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The Provost Office will post approved open tenure-line positions in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Diverse, and Hispanic Outlook.  The postings refer interested faculty to the Join Our Faculty website. For information about the school, connect to 

To support the search, HR and OIA have put together a list of advertising venues you can reference:

List of Potential Venues

Resource Directory of Department Chairs at HBCU's and HSI's