Organized by the Center for Teaching Excellence Academic Technology Team.
Dr. Alexander's keynote address is fully booked. Attendees need to have RSVP'ed. Arrive early for good seating.
- Keynote Address: Teaching After the Second Great Digital Storm - Bryan Alexander
- Media Literacy Group Presentations - Chris Chapple
- Grading & Feedback in MyLMUConnect - Ernesto Colín
- Organizing Dynamic Class Facilitation - Ernesto Colín
- Student Blogging as Means: Taking Learning Out of the Classroom - Celeste Durant
- Using Broadcast News Techniques to Increase Learning Outcomes - Celeste Durant
- Internationalizing the Intro Statistics Course: Can It Serve a Dual Purpose? - Zaki Eusufzai
- Building Partnerships in Digital Exploration: A Collaborative Approach to Education Both in and Beyond the Classroom - Christopher Finlay
- Visceral, Strange & Essential: Prezi as a Tool for Encouraging Student Engagement with Global Mediascapes,Paradigms and People - Christopher Finlay
- The Building: a Global Simulation on Facebook - Véronique Flambard-Weisbart
- Using Qualtrics in a Classroom Setting - Maire Ford
- i>Clickers in the Classroom - Susan Gyeszly
- Engaged Conversations with VoiceThread - Sheilah Jones
- Interactive Learning with the NearPod iPad app - Michael Kieley
- Rubrics and Grading in MyLMUConnect - Sara Lederer
- Capturing Think-Alouds: Using iPad Apps to Model and Capture the Problem-Solving Process - Jeremy McCallum
- Teaching with WordPress - Evelyn McDonnell
- Enhancing Your Students' Information Literacy Skills with the Library's Online Tools - Lindsey McLean
- You Don't Need to be a Techie to Use Technology: Presenting Student Research Using a Video Format - Kirstin Noreen
- Capturing Student Thinking in STEM Problem-Solving - Jeff Phillips
- Echo 360 as an Academic Didactic Resource - Luís Proença
- THE MAGIC CHAIR - Transformation and Inspiration: What the World can Learn from People with Disabilities - Greg Ruzzin
- A Luddite's Progress - Dean Scheibel
- Prezi Assignments in Anatomy and Physiology - Todd Shoepe
- Using a Publisher-Supported Learning Management System in Addition to MyLMUConnect - Todd Shoepe
- Anytime Anywhere Teaching and Learning - Shannon Tabaldo
Keynote Address
Teaching after the Second Great Digital Storm
Bryan Alexander, PhD, Senior Fellow at the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education
How has teaching changed after two generations of digital revolutions? We explore the state of the art, examining classroom uses and trends, looking for practical and accessible strategies. We conclude with a survey of emerging trends.
McIntosh (UNH 3999), 12:00pm - 1:20pm - Registration Required (, x85866)
Media Literacy Group Presentation
Chapple, Chris - Theological Studies
With the advent of easy-access media, particularly narrative films and documentaries, and the growing demand for participatory learning, media literacy group presentations have become a central part of my classroom requirements for Religions of the World and World Religions and Ecology. Each class is divided into learning communities of five students and given an assignment to view as a group and then present to the class a film or film documentary. The strategy and results for this assignment will be shared in this presentation.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 2:20pm - 3:05pm
Grading and Feedback in MyLMUConnect
Colín, Ernesto – Specialized Programs in Urban Education
I use MyLMUConnect for all aspects of my courses--from materials and media, to student interaction and assessment, including grading and feedback. In this session I share my experience with the grading and student feedback features of MyLMUConnect. In addition to a relay about the features and successes, I will reflect upon the limitations of the tools.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Organizing Dynamic Class Facilitation
Colín, Ernesto – Specialized Programs in Urban Education
In this session I will reflect upon how Prezi has served as a positive alternative to Keynote (of PowerPoint) as a guide to my class facilitation. In addition to discussing successes, I will consider the limitations of the tool. I will show highlights of several Prezi's I have created. If time permits, I can move to sharing student projects created on Prezi.
CTE (UNH 3030), 2:20pm - 3:05pm
Student Blogging as a Means: Taking Learning Out of the Classroom
Durant, Celeste – English
This presentation will discuss how the use of blogs can help students become more invested in a class by giving them ownership of their own publication. It gets students communicating and working together, building teamwork outside of class and it gets them seeking information to bring back to their classmates. It also helps professors make students take an active role in their own instruction.
CTE (UNH 3030), 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Using Broadcast News Techniques to Increase Learning Outcomes
Durant, Celeste – English
This presentation will discuss how audio and video storytelling was used in an introductory journalism class to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. Audio and video production allowed students to apply the journalism techniques they learned in class to explore personal interests. It resulted in increased class participation and learning. This technique can be used successfully in other subject areas to achieve student engagement.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 2:20pm - 3:05pm
Internationalizing the Intro Statistics Course: Can It Serve a Dual Purpose?
Eusufzai, Zaki - Economics
One of LMU's stated goals is the internationalization of the curriculum. In this project I examine whether using predominantly international data examples in the introductory statistics class has the side effect of increasing their knowledge of the international economy as well. Using a survey, I "pre-test" the students' understanding of the international economy at the beginning of the semester. A "post-test" examines if their international knowledge has improved, given that throughout the semester we have used such international data as examples and they have done an international data based project as well. The results show that there is some improvement but not a significant amount. Their knowledge of statistics is not adversely affected.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 3:10pm - 3:55pm
Building Partnerships in Digital Exploration: A Collaborative Approach to Education Both in and Beyond the Classroom
Finlay, Christopher – Communication Studies
Our students routinely use Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube in their personal and academic lives. How can we use these social media platforms to not only better reach our students, but, concurrent with our commitment to the education of the whole person, to encourage them to be more self-reflective about the political, cultural and social role of these media in their lives? In this presentation, I discuss pedagogical experiments with social media, including Twitter class readings 'book club' exercises, Tumblr archives and using social media more generally to connect theory, practice and the personal.
CTE (UNH 3030), 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Visceral, Strange & Essential: Prezi as a Tool for Encouraging Student Engagement with Global Mediascapes, Paradigms and People
Finlay, Christopher – Communication Studies
In this presentation, I suggest how Prezi can be used as a powerful storytelling medium to encourage engagement with primary source texts from around the globe. In particular, I explain how I use Prezi's sophisticated visual effects and integrated web-tools to construct transmedia narratives that expose students to diverse worldviews and encourage self-reflexivity, discussion and debate.
CTE (UNH 3030), 2:20pm – 3:05pm
The Building: a Global Simulation on Facebook
Flambard-Weisbart, Véronique – Modern Languages & Literatures
In this global simulation, students are the tenants of a building and pretend two things: they live somewhere else and are someone else. The building is located in Paris. The area where the building is situated, and the people who live there with their local customs, will help the students interact with the French culture. Students create profiles on Facebook (name, identity, occupation as tenants in the building), and they update their status and post links and comments daily. Very quickly, a sense of community is born, and interactions in the building become very lively.
CTE (UNH 3030), 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Using Qualtrics in a Classroom Setting
Ford, Maire – Psychology
In this presentation I will discuss ways to use Qualtrics to collect survey responses in the classroom. I will primarily focus on how I use Qualtrics in my Statistical Methods classes, as a means for collecting survey data from my students in order to create a database for them to use throughout the semester. I will also briefly demonstrate how to create a survey using Qualtrics.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 3:10pm – 3:55pm
i>Clickers in the Classroom
Gyeszly, Susan - Accounting
This session will briefly introduce I>clickers with specific comments regarding their recent use in undergraduate accounting classes. The session will also include practical "next steps" to incorporate this technology into the classroom.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 3:10pm – 3:55pm
Resources: iClicker Contacts / Information
Engaged Conversations with VoiceThread
Jones, Sheilah - Theological Studies
VoiceThread (VT) empowers instructors and students to create richer interactive conversations than traditional discussion boards and blogs in which students post only typed comments. Last semester, students in my Ethics CORE course shared the results of their research projects in 10 minute VTs. Some started with a PowerPoint presentation, a photo or image, an embedded video or audio just like a discussion board and then they added their own voice to the images and text. Their classmates had a choice of responding via webcam, audio, and cell phone or by typing text. Students reported that hearing and seeing their classmates' words and faces allowed them to be more engaged with the content of their research. Some found this a life-changing experience.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 3:10pm – 3:55pm
Interactive Learning with the NearPod iPad app
Kieley, Michael – Art & Art History
Nearpod: a game changing iPad app for interactive learning. Nearpod transforms a PowerPoint type presentation into one that fully engages students. During a NearPod presentation, they can contribute their own ideas, by answering survey questions, responding to a quiz after viewing a series of images, or even by making a drawing. Students in the fall 2013 visual thinking/art 350 classes loved the experience of using Nearpod. In this mini-workshop we will learn about Nearpod simply by trying it out. Download the free app to your iPad, iPhone, or android device. We will have some iPads available, and it also can run on a laptop.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 3:10pm – 3:55pm
Rubrics and Grading in MYLMUConnect
Lederer, Sara – Psychology
This brief survey of the topic will explore the utility of using rubrics for grading. Topics included will be: the benefits or rubrics for both the students and the instructor, how to develop a rubric on BlackBoard, and how to use rubrics for grading.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Capturing Think-Alouds: Using iPad Apps to Model and Capture the Problem-Solving Process
McCallum, Jeremy - Chemistry & Biochemistry
In this session, I will share my experiences incorporating iPad apps to capture think-aloud videos. I will discuss and demonstrate two apps, Doceri and Educreations, and how I use these apps to capture the problem-solving process. These apps can be used to create pre-lecture videos to flip classroom learning or capture student problem-solving in class or at home.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Teaching with WordPress
McDonnell, Evelyn - English
This presentation will focus on how to use the free online blogging tool WordPress as a real-world online writing workshop. I will show how to create a blog for classroom use. I will make some specific suggestions regarding privacy, security, using multimedia, and creating blogrolls. While I use WP for journalism classes, much of what I will show could be applied to any writing class, or most coursework in general.
CTE (UNH 3030), 3:10pm - 3:55pm
Enhancing Your Students' Information Literacy Skills with the Library's Online Tools
McLean, Lindsey – William H. Hannon Library
Learn about the online tools the William H. Hannon Library has developed to enhance and support your students' research and information literacy skills. Technologies in this presentation include the online information literacy tutorials the library created to support the new Core Curriculum, LibGuides (customizable, online research guides for students), and other online tools the library is currently developing for optional use by LMU faculty.
CTE (UNH 3030), 3:10pm - 3:55pm
You Don't Need to be a Techie to Use Technology: Presenting Student Research Using a Video Format
Noreen, Kirstin – Art & Art History
In an upper division art history class, my students created podcast presentations on specific paintings, prints or tapestries relevant to the Northern Renaissance period. As a supplement to a standard research paper, this project required that students learn -- what was for many -- a new presentation method, organize their thoughts orally, understand proper citation methods, and develop an engaging delivery of the material within a set time frame. My talk will discuss the positives and negatives of my assignment design, changes in my pedagogical approach related to the use of technology, and various campus resources that help to make this a feasible assignment that can be implemented across the disciplines.
Resources: iMovie Workshop Handout, Podcasting Project Resources
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 2:20pm - 3:05pm
Capturing Student Thinking in STEM Problem-Solving
Phillips, Jeff – Physics
To capture the problem-solving process, for formative and summative assessment, students are instructed to verbalize their thought process in the form of a "think-aloud." This makes what is essentially an internal thought process explicit, allowing improved feedback to the students. Think-alouds are recorded using Livescribe smartpens, which are ballpoint pens with embedded computers and microphones. These recordings allow the viewer to follow the recorder's problem-solving process and self-monitoring much more than in a typical static, written solution. By exchanging these recordings, students and faculty can engage in asynchronous collaboration among outside of the class.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 2:20pm – 3:05pm
Echo 360 as an Academic Didactic Resource
Proença, Luís - Production, Film & Television
The goal of this talk is to present all the technical knowledge needed in order to build electronic "companion"/resource materials. Echo 360 and Kaltura will be exemplified with an application in one of my courses taught this past semester. This acquired knowledge helped me also to start to build a digital "companion" lessons with a length average of 1 to 2 hours each lesson.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 2:20pm – 3:05pm
THE MAGIC CHAIR - Transformation and Inspiration: What the World Can Learn from People with Disabilities
Ruzzin, Greg – Production, Film & Television
THE MAGIC CHAIR Project is an international transmedia storytelling project that empowers individuals with disabilities, educators, and families to tell their own stories. Guided by the principle of "nothing about us without us," the project launches with a documentary film made with the children of the St. Declan's School in Dublin and then expands onto the web with an interactive website including documentary mini-films, "Now I Understand" apps designed to promote understanding, knowledge exchanges, and blogs. The project provides a place for understanding and support for all who either have disabilities or who care about them. Visit our site for more info:
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 1:30pm – 2:15pm
A Luddite's Progress
Scheibel, Dean – Communication Studies
Traces the process of developing electronic portfolio assignment from inception to students' completion. Includes process by which I became familiar with electronic portfolio, my interactions with the Faculty Innovation Center, development of rubrics with Dorothea Herreiner and Laura Massa, introducing students to the concept, successes and problems encountered.
HR Training Room (UNH 1900), 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Prezi Assignments in Anatomy and Physiology
Shoepe, Todd – Health and Human Sciences
Prezi is a free presentation software that includes spatial and visual capabilities beyond PowerPoint and Keynote. Student-generated examples will be displayed that show how Prezi can be used effectively in concept mapping and content organization. Features including content positioning, zooming, sequencing, rotations, and video-embedding all can promote student construction of knowledge and will be demonstrated.
CTE (UNH 3030), 2:20pm – 3:05pm
Using a Publisher-Supported Learning Management System in Addition to MyLMUConnect
Shoepe, Todd – Health and Human Sciences
Foundational coursework in the sciences often comes with expansive and comprehensive ancillary digital content provided by publishers. This presentation will showcase the adoption of features available in McGraw-Hill Connect. An example where automated digital assignments, enhanced E-books, virtual dissections, multi-media activities, and lecture capture have been used to support class flipping, document dissemination, student evaluation, and peer-to-peer instruction will all be demonstrated.
CTE (UNH 3030), 3:10pm – 3:55pm
Anytime Anywhere Teaching & Learning
Tabaldo, Shannon – CAST and Urban Education
In this session I'll be discussing how I use Google Docs & Forms in conjunction with Evernote to manage my workflow. I like to introduce my students to Google Docs for anytime anywhere writing and access. I encourage paperless classrooms, so a Google Form collects my assignments for review and assessment. I use Evernote to collect meeting notes, articles, websites, to do lists, and even back channel chats for my students and can easily share notes and notebooks with them. Google & Evernote are essential to my professional workflow.
Marymount Center (UNH 3002), 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Hands-On Stations
Try out software and hardware solutions on different computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Check out the posters and interactive demonstrations. Bring your own laptop, tablet, or phone, or use one of those available on the Skyway to explore different applications. Refreshments will be available on the Skyway during the sessions.
Social Networking on Mobile Devices
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WordPress. Do you keep hearing these new media buzz-words and wonder how you can integrate them into your pedagogy? One of their greatest benefits is that they work just as well, if not better, on mobile devices. See how these technologies combine to expand your classroom beyond four walls.
Grading/Assessment in MYLMUConnect
MYLMUConnect makes grading easy, convenient, and transparent to your students. Come see how to set up a grade book and how features like Assignments, Discussion Boards, Tests, and Publisher Materials can all automatically feed into it.
Echo 360 Classroom Capture
LMU's Echo360 Classroom capture technology allows the creation of learning on-demand. Echo 360 is a platform that automatically, affordably, and reliably captures class lectures and converts them into podcasts, video, rich media, and more for anytime, anywhere playback. We are expanding Echo360 into more classrooms across campus: if you have an immediate need to record, just ask!
Kaltura & Other Video Content
Video is being used increasingly in education, and it is now easier than ever to bring it into your pedagogy. Using Kaltura, you can both provide your students with video content as well as ask them to provide their own videos for classroom projects.
Publisher Content in MYLMUConnect
Publishers are getting better and better at integrating their material with MYLMUConnect. Come see how they are incorporating material that can enrich student learning and assessment.
VoiceThread - Audio/Video Discussions
VoiceThread brings to life discussion boards by using audio and video, keeping discussions focused. They also provide an opportunity to reflect, resulting in higher quality input. Come see why students prefer using VoiceThread over a traditional discussion board.
iClickers - Interactive Polling
A personal response system applies the Polling the Audience technology used on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" to a learning environment. Students can instantly provide feedback and answer questions posed by their instructors. Using a clicker can significantly change the way you and your students interact by enabling you to assess your students' knowledge, keep their attention, provide immediate feedback, and encourage all students to participate.