Katharine B. Free

Katharine B. Free is a professor emerita of theatre arts at Loyola Marymount University. She is a graduate of Marymount High School and Marymount College, and earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from UCLA. Professor Free has published articles on the Greek theatre and translation in academic journals and has delivered papers at international scholarly conferences, most recently Comparative Drama Conference where her translations and adaptations of Menander’s “The Arbitration” (Epitrepontes), “The Girl with the Cropped Hair” (Perikeiromene) and “The Misanthrope” (Dyskolos) have received staged readings. Among the productions she has directed is her own translation of Aeschylus’ “The Persians” and an adaptation of two of Euripides’ plays, entitled “Helen After Troy.” She has also lectured frequently for Los Angeles Opera on many topics related to their season. Her adaptation of “The Arbitration” was performed as part of the 2012-13 LMU Theatre Arts season. She has hosted the program “Monday Night at the Opera” on KXLU 88.9FM for more than 35 years. She retired from full-time teaching in 2015 and became professor emerita. She still teaches theatre history and dramatic literature as well as directs. In 2017 Professor Free was elected to the LMU Faculty Hall of Fame.