Creative Entrepreneurship for the Entertainment Industry

in Collaboration with Academix

This program is intended for individuals who want to work in the entertainment industry but are undecided if they want to pursue an entrepreneur or employment track. This course will introduce learners to the fundamentals of “Creative Entrepreneurship” and prepare them to qualify for an entry level position in the music, media, and entertainment industry.

Participants who complete the program will develop the mindset, knowledge, and insights required to pursue an entrepreneurial track and learn how to leverage their creativity for business innovation and career development, as an employee or creative entrepreneur. 

What You Will Learn

By the end of this course, you will learn how to work with and around creative and entertainment brands in the music, media, and entertainment industry in a creative, administrative, and support staff capacity.


Course Curriculum

  1. The Creative Entrepreneurship Mindset
  2. The Economics of Creativity
  3. Creation, Collaboration, Communication
  4. Business and Financial Literacy Fundamentals
  5. Entrepreneurship in the Music, Media, and Entertainment Industry
  6. Technology and Innovation
  7. Marketing, Advertising, Promotions, Sales, and Brand Strategies
  8. Time Management
  9. Essential Keys to Success
  10. Creative Career Pathway – Preparation, Planning and Pivoting
  11. Developing Your Personal and Professional Success Plan
  12. Industry Case Studies: Real World Creative Entrepreneurs

Registration + Fees

This course is 100% online. Ongoing registration.


This program is approved by WIOA. Please contact your local employment agency to apply for funding, or contact for more information.

About Academix

Academix is an education, entertainment, and entrepreneurship training company. They prepare learners for creative, entrepreneurial and career pathways in music, media and entertainment through online and on-site education, training, and mentoring programs.

Each program incorporates a sequence of modules in a specialized field that build industry knowledge and creative skill sets, progressing in complexity from basics to more advanced topics, concepts, creative disciplines, and work-based learning exercises, using their proprietary BEAT Standards, which teach the fundamentals of Business, Entertainment, Arts and Technology.


SCETCH has over 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry as a professional DJ, Event Producer, Marketing Specialist, Business Owner, and Creative Entrepreneur. He is the founder of Academix BEAT Lab and various Edu-tainment companies. He has worked with music, sports, and entertainment celebrities and brands.

Dwayne “DCat” Cornelius has over 35 years of professional entertainment industry experience as a Musician, Artist, Producer, Manager, Engineer, Music Publisher, and Entrepreneur. He is well known for his studio and touring performances with legendary artists Snoop Dogg, George Clinton, The Jacksons, Earth Wind & Fire, Chaka Khan, Carlos Santana, and more. He has his Bachelor's from Berklee College of Music and Masters of Music Industry Administration from California State University at Northridge.