LMU Extension Policies
All regulations and rules or procedures stated below apply to LMU Extension programs. Courses facilitated by a third-party may have different policies for enrollment, academic standards, and tuition and fees. Third-party policies apply to those courses only and will be listed on third-party course catalogs and websites.
- General Policies
- Academic Standards
- Enrollment, Tuition + Fees
- Student Records
Class attendance expectations and consequences for absences from class are left to the discretion of individual instructors and shall be announced by the faculty member at the first class meeting or listed on the class syllabus. Students are accountable for all course assignments, whether or not the assignments were announced during an absence.
In order for a student to earn academic credit for a course, he/she must be enrolled officially in the course. LMU Extension does not allow a student who is not officially enrolled in a course to attend.
Due to the intensive nature of some courses, attendance may be a factor in the student evaluation process. Course attendance requirements will be listed in the course syllabus.
LMU Extension does not remove courses for those students who stop attending a course. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that his/her class schedule is correct, including withdrawing from any courses prior to its conclusion.
Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion is a recognition by Loyola Marymount University that a student has satisfactorily demonstrated potential for professional achievement in a specialized field of study. Certificates are granted and presented at graduation events or mailed to students who have completed all course requirements, and who have no outstanding financial or other obligations to LMU Extension.
To receive a certificate of completion from LMU Extension, students must (1) maintain the required minimum grade in each course of the certificate program, and (2) file a with LMU Extension by the conclusion of the program. Students may order a replacement certificate of completion for a fee.
Requesting a Certificate. To request a certificate the student must have completed all the required course work and received a passing grade. To request a certificate application email extension@lmu.edu
If all the academic requirements have been fulfilled, the student will receive an official transcript by mail from 8 to 10 weeks from the application approval date.
Prohibited Conduct. Prohibitive conduct includes (1) violating or attempting to violate federal, state, or local laws; (2) harassment, assault, and intentionally or recklessly causing psychological or physical harm to any person on or off-campus; (3) disruptive behavior, including intentional interference with the freedom of expression of others; (4) use, possession, storage, or being under the influence of any controlled substance or illegal drug, and the use, possession or storage of any weapon, and (6) vandalism and theft.
Dismissal. Violation of course etiquette and decorum outlined in the syllabus, and/or prohibitive conduct by the student will result in the immediate dismissal from the enrolled course. Violations must be submitted by the complainant in writing to the instructor of the course and/or appropriate program director. The decision to dismiss a student from a course is made by the program director in consultation with the course instructor. The student may appeal the decision directly to the Senior Director of LMU Extension. In the case of an appeal, dismissal requires the review and approval of the Senior Director, who may alter, defer or suspend the decision. Students may appeal Dismissal from a course only once, and a decision by the Senior Director to uphold a Dismissal from a course is final. Students dismissed from a course may not re-enroll in the same course.
Grades and Grading
Grading Standards. The work of all students at LMU is reported in terms of grades. Instructors are required to assign a final grade for each student registered in a course. The following grades are used to report the quality of student work at LMU Extension:
A 100-93
A- 92-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-84
B- 83-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-74
C- 73-70
D 69-63
F Below 62CR Credit = 76 and above
NC No Credit
NR Not reported by the instructor
AU Audit
I Work incomplete
IP Work in progress
W Official withdrawal from the course
An “F” or NC grade yields no semester hour or course credit. To receive a certificate of completion from LMU Extension, students must maintain the required minimum grade in each course of the certificate program.Credit/No Credit Grading. A non-letter grade of CR may be given for satisfactory performance in a course. A CR/NC course will not affect the grade point average. However, a student who petitions for CR/NC in a graded course, will not be eligible for a certificate of completion in that particular course of study. A student may not petition for a grade in a CR/NC course.
Change of Grade. Grades, once submitted to the University Office of the Registrar, are changed only in case of instructor calculation error. An instructor desiring a change of grade must present a written request to the program director within one year of the last class meeting. If the request is granted by the program director, the instructor must file a Change of Grade Form with LMU Extension.
A student may petition a change of grade to the course instructor. If the instructor denies the petition, the student has the right to appeal by petitioning directly to LMU Extension. In consultation with the instructor, the program director reserves the right to approve or deny the petition.
Grade Point Average. Grade points are a measure of the quality of the academic work completed, just as semester hours are a measure of the quantity of this work. The University uses a letter grade to indicate the level of individual student achievement. Each letter grade has a point value assigned for the grade achieved. The point value assigned to each letter grade is as follows:
A 4.0-grade points
A- 3.7-grade points
B+ 3.3-grade points
B 3.0-grade points
B- 2.7-grade points
C+ 2.3-grade points
C 2.0-grade points
C- 1.7-grade points
F 0.0-grade pointsThe grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the number of LMU Extension semester hours completed with a letter grade. The grades of AU, CR, NC, IP, W, and I have no point value and are not used in calculating the grade point average.
Incomplete Course Work. An incomplete grade may be assigned by the instructor only if a student has completed at least 80% of the coursework. The student must speak to the instructor prior to the final class meeting or online lesson to determine if the completed course work meets the minimum requirement for a grade of Incomplete and to discuss what further work is required to complete the course. The instructor may or may not agree to the assignment of a grade of Incomplete. If the instructor agrees to assign the grade of Incomplete, he/she will submit a grade of "I" at the end of the course.
Students who received a grade of Incomplete in LMU Extension courses must complete and submit all outstanding coursework by a deadline set by the instructor, with approval from the program director. An incomplete grade not removed by the deadline will default to an “F” grade or other as assigned by the instructor.
Academic Credit
LMU Extension is not a degree-granting unit. Academic credit is awarded by LMU Extension as semester hours, however, this credit is not equivalent to semester hours in the degree-granting units of the greater University. There are three major groupings of courses: Professional Development, Continuing Education, and Personal Enrichment.
- Professional Development courses in a certificate or professional development program with identifiable subject areas or in particular disciplines, e.g., EDUX for teacher education are offered under a departmental rubric and carry University semester hours of continuing education/professional development credit or graduate-level professional development credit.
- Continuing Education courses with academic content falling outside the normal undergraduate or graduate offerings are offered under the rubrics CNTX and ONLX. Credit is recorded in semester hours; 1.0 semester hour represents 10 continuing education contact hours. The grading is CR. Credit (CR) equals to the letter B or above in the course. These courses can be considered graduate-level courses.
- Personal enrichment courses covering a variety of activities of interest to the community and do not require a letter grade.
Transcript legend:
- Course entries marked with the letter “X” at the end of the subject code do not carry degree-granting credit at LMU.
- Course entries marked with the letter “Z” at the end of the subject code carry degree-granting credit for Extension degree programs.
- Courses offered in the 800 – 999 and 8000 – 9999 number ranges are designated for LMU Extension
- Credit (CR) is reported in the semester credit hour column with each unit representing the equivalent value of 10 to 15 continuing education contact hours.
- Professional development courses marked with the letter “X” that receive a letter grade are considered graduate-level courses.
Recording of Course Lectures and Materials
No audio or video recording of any kind is allowed during class meetings or online lessons without prior consent from the instructor. Duplication, exhibition, and/or publication of course materials is prohibited.
Students must be officially registered in accordance with the published regulations, procedures, and schedules. Course enrollments submitted via fax, phone, or electronic mail (e-mail) will not be accepted. Course enrollment opens for each term as listed on the LMU Extension catalogs. Early enrollment/registration may be available for select programs.
Registration is subject to full payment of tuition and other fees associated with enrollment. LMU Extension reserves the right to deny registration to any student for reasonable cause.
Course Enrollment Restrictions
Courses may have registration restrictions (e.g. prerequisites), and students wishing to register for these courses must have met the criteria of the restriction. Restrictions and other registration considerations are enforced and are identifiable in the course catalog. Any holds on the student’s record for academic, financial, student conduct, or other reasons may inhibit eligibility for course enrollment.
Degree Course Audit
Undergraduate and graduate degree-credit courses are occasionally open to the general public to enroll for enrichment purposes. Students auditing (referred to as “auditors”) do not receive academic credit for these courses. Auditors are expected to attend courses they enroll in and are required to actively participate in class. As no grade or course credit is awarded, auditors are not required to complete the course assignments as set by the instructor.
Some courses require permission from the instructor to enroll. Individual exceptions can be made to this policy at the discretion of the instructor before the first class meeting.
Repeat Courses
Students may petition to repeat a course for academic credit at the discretion of the program director.
University Student Enrollment
Registered undergraduate or graduate students may enroll in LMU Extension courses for credit, with permission of their college or school dean, at the fees quoted for such courses, above and beyond regular full-time tuition. Enrollment in other LMU Extension offerings is unrestricted unless otherwise specified. Undergraduate and graduate students may not enroll in cross-listed or “audit only” courses.
Withdrawal or Drop
Students may drop a course prior to the first class meeting and are eligible for tuition and fee refunds in accordance with LMU Extension’s published policy. To drop from a course, students must notify LMU Extension, extension@lmu.edu. A dropped course will not appear on the student transcript.
Once a course has commenced, students may withdraw from the course (and receive a grade of ‘W’) prior to its last class meeting/online lesson. Students who do not complete a course and/or do not withdraw from a course in accordance with the required procedures will receive an appropriate grade in the class as assigned by the instructor. To withdraw from a course, students must notify LMU Extension, extension@lmu.edu. Failure to withdraw officially from a course will result in a grade of “F” or other as assigned by the instructor. Students who withdraw are still responsible for outstanding financial obligations with LMU Extension.
Students who used deferred payment plans must clear their financial obligations with LMU Extension. Students may be eligible for partial tuition and fee refunds in accordance with LMU Extension’s published policy.
Tuition + Fees
LMU Extension tuition (or the course fee) covers instruction and instruction-related needs. Additional fees may be required for books and additional course materials. Extension tuition does not grant students access to full University amenities. Weekday parking, additional library privileges, business and mail services, performance and athletics tickets, recreation center use, and other services are available at additional cost. Tuition may be made payable by check, money order, Visa, or Mastercard. Cash transactions cannot be accepted. Tuition and fees are subject to change.
Tax Information
Some educational expenses, including incidental costs, such as books, meals, lodging, and travel, may be tax-deductible. To learn if your fee payments are deductible, please consult with the relevant state and/or federal tax agency. Tax information may be obtained from www.irs.gov.
Tuition Assistance
Thanks to the generosity of the University, our benefactors, religious communities, and the community, some opportunities are available for selected programs. Federal and University Financial Aid are not available for continuing education and non-degree programs.
Tuition Payment Plans
LMU Extension offers students opportunities to arrange tuition payment plans for a select group of courses. Payment plans can be individually tailored to assist with the needs of the student.
Students will agree, in a signed contract, to make an initial down payment and subsequent payments. Payments are made on the 1st and/or the 15th of each month. Students will be required to leave a credit card or post-dated check on file, which will be automatically processed on the agreed payment dates. In the event, a credit card is declined or a check returned, students will be charged a service fee of $25 for each failed transaction.
Tuition Refund
Tuition refunds are available only in accordance with established University policy: 100% refund prior to the start of class or online lesson; 50% refund prior to the start of the second class or online lesson. No refund will be issued after the second class or online lesson. No refund is given for single-day courses after the class has begun.
Students are not eligible for a tuition refund due to poor academic performance. Similarly, students are still responsible for any outstanding financial obligations with LMU Extension regardless of academic performance.
Change of Name
Please file a Change of Name Form with the University Office of the Registrar when and if any part of your name is legally changed. Listing the change on an enrollment form is not sufficient.
Change of Address
Students may change their permanent, mailing (direct and electronic), and billing addresses through PROWL. LMU Extension assumes no responsibility for materials sent through the mail or e-mail not received.
Confidentiality of Education Records (FERPA Policy)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended ("FERPA"), is a Federal law which governs student privacy and confidentiality of student education records. Loyola Marymount University ("LMU") recognizes, abides by and enforces the confidentiality of student records under FERPA.
Definitions. For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
- Any person who attends or has attended LMU.
- Education records: any record (in handwriting, print, tapes, film, electronic, or other medium) maintained by LMU or any agent of LMU which is directly related to a student, except:
- A personal record kept by a staff member if it is kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record and is not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
- An employee record of an individual whose employment is not contingent on the fact that he or she is a student, provided the record is used only in relation to the individual’s employment.
- LMU Department of Public Safety records created and maintained by LMU’s Department of Public Safety for Department of Public Safety purposes.
- Alumni records which contain information about a student after he or she is no longer in attendance at the University and which do not relate to the person as a student.
Annual Notification. Current students are notified annually of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by publication on the LMU Extension website.
Procedure to Inspect Education Records. Students may inspect and review their official academic or other education records (with certain limited exceptions) within 45 days of the day LMU receives the student’s written request for access. A student should submit any such request in writing, identifying the record(s) the student wishes to inspect, to the appropriate LMU Extension official or program director. LMU will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
Right of University to Refuse Access. LMU reserves the right to refuse to permit a student to inspect the following records:
- The financial statements of third parties.
- Letters and statements of recommendation for which the student has waived his or her right of access, or which were created before January 1, 1975.
- Records connected with an application to attend LMU, or any LMU program, after acceptance but prior to enrollment, or if that application was denied.
- Those records which are excluded from the FERPA definition of education records.
Refusal to Provide Copies. Unless required by FERPA or other law, LMU reserves the right to deny a student’s access to academic transcripts or copies of records in any of the following situations:
- The student has any unpaid financial obligations to LMU.
- There is an unresolved disciplinary action against the student. Copies of disciplinary records will only be made available when a student is unable to come to the office to inspect the record.
Disclosure of Education Records. LMU will disclose information from a student’s education record only with the written consent of the student, except:
- To school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
- A "school official" is any person employed by LMU in any administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including public safety and health services staff); any person or company with whom LMU has contracted to provide a service to or on behalf of LMU (such as attorneys, auditors or collection agents); any person serving on LMU’s Board of Trustees; or any student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
- A school official has a "legitimate educational interest" if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill the official’s professional responsibilities.
- To officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. A reasonable attempt will be made to notify the student prior to the release of such records.
- To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Controller General, Attorney General, and the state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs.
- In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. Parents’ financial information, including statements submitted in connection with financial aid applications, is excluded from inspection.
- If required by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19, 1974.
- To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the university.
- To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
- To parents of a dependent student, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code. The parents must provide a copy of their most recent federal income tax return establishing the student's dependency. Full rights under the act shall be given to either parent, unless LMU has been provided with evidence that there is a court order, state statute or legally binding document relating to such matters as divorce, separation or custody that specifically revokes those rights. LMU does not have an obligation to disclose any financial information about one parent to another. If a parent claims a student as a dependent and does not want his/her financial information disclosed to his/her spouse or former spouse, the parent may make that request to the institution.
- To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
- To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
- To an alleged victim of a sexual assault of the final results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of that crime with respect to that crime or offense.
- To courts for a legal proceeding brought by a parent or student against the university or by the university against a parent or student.
- To parents and legal guardians of students under age 21 if the student violated LMU policies, state or federal laws relating to the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- To the public the final results of a disciplinary proceeding only if it has been determined that:
- the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense; and
- the student has committed a violation of the university’s rules with respect to the allegation.
- To state and local juvenile justice systems or their officials.
- If designated as "Directory Information."
Directory Information. LMU is permitted under provisions of FERPA to release "Directory Information" upon request to anyone within the LMU community and to the general public without a student’s consent. Students who wish to have their directory information withheld must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing each semester by the close of official registration. (Please note that such withhold notification will prevent LMU from providing your directory information to friends, prospective employers, organizations and others with whom a student may wish to share such information, so a student should make any withhold notification carefully.)
Correction of Education Records. Students have the right to ask to have records corrected that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights. A student should submit any such request to LMU in writing, clearly identifying the records that the student believes are inaccurate and specifying the reasons the student believes them to be inaccurate. LMU will notify the student of its decision, and if the decision is negative, of the student’s right to a hearing regarding his or her request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided at that time.