

LMU Extension is committed to providing valuable learning experiences to the community. Coursework and certificate programs offered by LMU Extension can help individuals from diverse backgrounds advance their careers, increase opportunities for wage mobility, and explore professional development. Scholarship and grant funding may be available for selected programs to support students in reaching their academic and employment goals. Merit and need-based scholarships are awarded annually to eligible students. 

Please note, Title IV- Federal Financial Aid is not available for continuing education, extension programs, and non-degree programs. 

Substance Use Disorders Counseling Scholarship

This scholarship is made available by our generous University benefactors to individuals interested in pursuing careers in Substance Use Disorders Counseling. 

Peer Specialist Training Programs

Scholarships are available for California residents interested in Peer Specialist Training through a fully funded program by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) with no out-of-pocket costs for tuition or materials. Scholarship includes the cost of tuition, career counseling, job placement assistance and post-program support for six (6) months.

For more information about LMU Peer Specialist Programs please contact 


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