NIH / NSF SciENcv Biosketches and Current & Pending Documentation

Federal agencies have developed new forms in SciENcv for biographical sketches and current and pending support documentation in order to standardize the format of two key parts of grant applications and to create a centralized repository of PIs’ professional information. While biographical sketches demonstrate each individual’s qualifications and preparation for the proposed process, the current and pending support form clarifies a PI’s capacity for the project’s scope of work in the context of other commitments. Both forms serve to increase transparency in the funding process and to promote disclosure of any existing relationships that may affect the sponsored project. They also assist ORSP in protecting LMU and its faculty by enhancing compliance with federal regulations.

Click here to access the SciENcv website.

Each document will be “certified” when the “download pdf” button is clicked at the bottom of each document page. Save a copy of this document to your files and send a copy to ORSP to include with your proposal.

Each section of the documents will have individual limits (may only list up to 5 publications, etc.). You will be given a warning message if you try to include more than the allowed number of entries.

Each document has a specific page limit. You will receive a warning message if the amount of information you have included pushes the document over the allowed page limit. If this occurs, try to shorten what you can until you no longer get this warning message.

Effective October 2023, NSF requires Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending to be completed in ScENcv for compliant format.

  • Click here for the NIH’s Biographical Sketch instructions.

    Filling out this form can be lengthy. Be sure you have the below information on hand in order to be able to fully complete this form.

    • Education/Training - unlimited number of entries to include: institution’s name, location (city, state, country), degree type, field of study, start and end dates (MM/YYYY)
    • A. Personal Statement – no character limit for personal statement, can list up to four publications from your “My Bibliography” or “ORCID” tabs
    • B. Positions, Scientific Appointments and Honors – unlimited number of entries for positions and appointments and honors
      • Positions and Scientific Appointments: include start and end dates (YYYY), position title, organization name, location (city, state, country)
      • Honors: name of honor, organization honor was earned, date (YYYY)
    • C. Contribution to Science – include up to 5 contributions via a text box description of contribution and list up to four publications from your “My Bibliography” or “ORCID” tabs per contribution

    Video tutorial is available here.

  • Click here for the NSF’s Biographical Sketch instructions.

    Filling out this form can be lengthy. Be sure you have the below information on hand in order to be able to fully complete this form.

    • A. Professional Preparation - unlimited number of entries to include: institution’s name, location (city, state, country), degree type, field of study, start and end dates (MM/YYYY)
    • B. Appointments - unlimited number of entries to include: appointment/position title, organization name, location (city, state, country), start and end dates (YYYY)
    • C. Products:
      • include up to 5 products from your “My Bibliography” or “ORCID” tabs for products that are closely related to the proposed project
      • include up to 5 products from your “My Bibliography” or “ORCID” tabs for other significant products that are not closely related to the proposed project)
    • D. Synergistic Activities: up to 5 examples may be included via a text box

    Video tutorial is available here.

  • Click here for the NSF’s Current and Pending instructions

    Filling out this form can be lengthy. Be sure you have the below information on hand in order to be able to fully complete this form.

    • Identifying Information, Organization and Location - title of document, first and last name, current position title, name of organization, location (city, state, country), start and end dates (YYYY)
    • Project/Proposal Summary - title of project, status of current or pending, proposal/award number (optional), source of support, primary place of performance, total award amount, project start and end dates (MM/YYY), person months per year, text box description for overall objectives, text box for statement of potential overlap
    • In-Kind Contribution Summary - description of in-kind contribution, status of current or pending, source of support, dollar value of in-kind contribution, contribution start and end dates (MM/YYY), text box description for overall objectives, text box for statement of potential overlap

    Video tutorial is available here.


Click here for a FAQ document from

Linking ORCID Account

Click here for a video tutorial on how to link ORCID account.

If you would like to link your ORCID account to your NCBI account, you have that option. You also have the option to only include your ORCID link on your biosketch documents. If you do not have an ORCID account, you can create one here.

Adding Publications to Biosketches

You can access your “My Bibliography” publications list here

It is recommended that you add your publications before you begin filling out your biosketch documents.

Publications can be added to “My Bibliography” via PubMed search, file upload from your computer, or manual input. Once added, you will be able to select each publication you want to include in a specific section of the biosketch from the list you have made.

Publications listed in your ORCID account will appear in the “ORCID” tab if you have linked your ORCID account. See instructions for that in this FAQ section.