Welcome to LMU’s IACUC website! All research and instruction involving animal (non-human vertebrate) subjects at LMU is subject to review by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC is charged with the responsibility to assure that no animals are used unnecessarily for research or instruction and that every effort is made to ensure animal well-being and to minimize pain and distress. IACUC activities and animal research at LMU are conducted in accord with an Animal Welfare Assurance from the Public Health Service (PHS) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. LMU’s IACUC currently has eight members, including a veterinarian, a community member, one non-scientist, and five scientists, several of whom are involved in animal research.
The responsibilities of the IACUC include:
- review and approval of all research protocols involving laboratory animals
- inspection of the animal facilities at least twice a year
- evaluation of the animal care program within the institution and service as an informational source on animal concerns for institutional personnel and the community at large.
The IACUC regularly reviews research protocols that require the use of animals to ensure that the methods of animal care and use are appropriate and in compliance with federal and institutional regulations. Information concerning the submission and review of such protocols is provided via the tabs on the left, which also provide other useful information concerning animal research matters. If you are interested in conducting animal research at LMU, we encourage you to explore this site, and to also contact me should you have any questions.
We look forward to the receipt of your research proposals,
Eric Strauss, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Center for Urban Resilience (CURes)
President's Professor, Biology