Restorative Conferencing

The RJ Project offers Restorative Conferencing facilitation services to partner organizations. When conflict occurs, Restorative Conferences can help hold the responsible parties accountable for their behavior and misconduct. The Restorative Conference brings everyone affected by harm, along with their supporters, together to provide an opportunity to resolve things collectively. The primary goal of this process is to hold people accountable for their actions and to give everyone a chance to be heard with a focus on how things could be resolved to move forward.

This process requires a trained and multi-partial Restorative Conferencing facilitator to ask the group three key questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. Who has been affected and how?
  3. What can be done to repair the harm?

Restorative Conferences provide a collective discovery process whereby underlying problems can be addressed and potentially help participants connect with much needed resources.

Are you experiencing a conflict or are you trying to figure out how to address a group issue?

To request assistance with a conflict, please submit a Restorative Conference Referral Form, or contact us at (310) 338-4442 or