Restorative Practices Testimonials

"The process showed the teacher a different side of the student and it showed the humanity of the teacher. A lot of our kids don't realize that teachers are humans, too. Everything is going well with this student and teacher now. They established and built a foundation for a relationship. Both the student and the teacher were both adamant about not being removed from the classroom. She sees a different side of him and sees him as a whole child - not just the side that was causing the friction in the classroom." 
— Kendra Peterson, Assistant Principal at Lawndale

"Thanks for being here this morning. As you know, things went great. I want to thank you for helping facilitate this problem and breaking through with [student]. Him opening up and identifying his needs help is a HUGE step. I have referred him to Richstone. Thanks for all you do."
— Ben Wardrop, Assistant Principal at Lawndale

"I wish they had had this [Restorative Practices] when I was in high school. This is a much better way of handling things."
— Parent of a Student at Lawndale

"I don't care if the teacher has a Master's Degree, I just want the teacher to connect with my child." 
— Parent of a Student at Lawndale

"During the Community Building Circle, the process opened up the students to better interact with each other so they can talk in front of the entire class without having to stand up. In the circle, students sit next to people who they are comfortable with and can talk with people who they aren't so comfortable with. They're able to share feelings and ask questions about things that they weren't normally used to talking about with each other. It also builds empathy and hearing each other in a way that allows them to understand, 'Oh, he felt good or bad about that situation, too.'" 
— Teacher at Lloyde High School

"[The RJ Project's] wisdom, support, and guidance will allow our staff to continue to increase safety and a sense of belonging among students participating in our Afterschool programs. Thank you."
— Riverside Unified School District After School Program

"The implementation of Restorative Practices is a great step forward for the LMU Division of Student Affairs. These practices are well situated in the context of education of the whole person as they are a tool to further our work around dialogue across difference and controversy with civility." 
— Elena M. Bove, Ed.D., LMU Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

"It was well structured and took all opinions into account."
— LMU Student

"Good to have direct communication between parties, creates better understanding."
— LMU Staff

Additional Comments from Teachers About Implementing Restorative Practices

"Fewer classroom arguments."

"Students begin to respond to minimal instruction."

"Able to 'buy-back' instruction time."

"Improves interpersonal skills."

"Better relationships."