Mission and Vision

The LMU CURes Restorative Justice Project is a trusted partner for RJ practitioners and advocates throughout Southern California.

Mission and Vision

The vision of the LMU Center for Urban Resilience (CURes) Restorative Justice Project (RJ Project) is to impact systemic education reform and transform social structures towards a more just society. Aligning with LMU's mission and commitment to anti-racism, Restorative Justice Practices are based on principles that emphasize how positive relationships are central to building community and involve processes that restore communities when harm occurs. The RJ Project offers culturally grounded ways to address conflict through restorative practice trainings, Restorative Conferencing facilitation services, and opportunities to collaborate.

LMU CURes Stance on Equity

The traumatic events of the past year have left us shaken and heartbroken at the Center for Urban Resilience; the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the subsequent economic collapse and the Black Lives Matter movement was energized by a series of tragic events that were neither novel nor did they begin with George Floyd. We need to address deep institutional injustices that undermine the foundation of American society.

At our center, we are committed to shining a spotlight on issues that impact the lives of communities of people who are either marginalized intentionally or underrepresented demographically. CURes has a long history of bringing underrepresented community members into our center as students, research fellows, post-doctoral students, and directors who have advanced to higher positions to become professors at other institutions, and we continue that pledge going forward. The CURes curriculum and interventions were shaped by the diverse set of colleagues who have worked with us.

Furthermore, we are devoted to the implementation of Restorative Practices in partnership with academic institutions. Restorative Practices arose from and are heir to several social justice movements, and is grounded in principles of nonviolence, truth-telling, and peacemaking. Restorative Practices (RP) emphasize accountability and are focused on the individual's personal relationship to themselves as well as their community.