DSS Verbiage for Syllabi

To help create an inviting atmosphere in your classroom for all students, it is helpful to include a paragraph in your syllabus introducing the DSS Office. This may inform students who need accommodation services and may also encourage those students who are already registered to speak with you about their accommodations. Please remember, only students for whom you have received the Faculty Notification email regarding their accommodations should be receiving accommodations. It is a liability for the university to provide accommodations to students not registered with the DSS Office.

To help you in preparing your syllabus, the DSS Office has created the following paragraphs. Please feel free to copy and paste into your syllabus for the upcoming semester.

DSS Accommodations

The DSS Office offers resources to enable students with physical, learning, ADD/ADHD, psychiatric disabilities and those on the autism spectrum to achieve maximum independence while pursuing their educational goals. Staff specialists interact with all areas of the University to eliminate physical and attitudinal barriers. Students must provide documentation for their disability from an appropriate licensed professional. Services are offered to students who have established disabilities under state and federal laws. We also advise students, faculty and staff regarding disability issues.

Students who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, academic accommodations or housing accommodations should direct their request to the DSS Office as soon as possible. All discussions will remain confidential. The DSS Office is located on the 2nd floor of Daum Hall and may be reached by email at dsslmu@lmu.edu or phone at (310) 338-4216. Please visit http://www.lmu.edu/dss for additional information.