Students may find that the accommodations that they receive from LMU are not the same as accommodations that they have received in the past. The reason for this is that the laws that provide accommodations in secondary institutions are different that those that apply to post-secondary institutions. At the secondary level, the goal of accommodations is to provide access and success. However, at the post-secondary level, the goal of accommodations is to provide access in order to grant equal opportunity.
In order to receive accommodations, students must submit the appropriate disability documentation with the DSS Office. It is important that the documentation provides a history of a disability. Please refer to our Apply with DSS page to learn more about what type of documentation may be needed.
For this reason, it is important that students apply early. Students also need to self-identify and provide documentation of disability at their own cost. High school records of accommodations (Individualized Education Plans - IEPs, 504 Plans, etc.) do not transfer to the university. It becomes the student's responsibility to request and arrange services well in advance.
Provision of ADAAA Mandated Accommodations
High School | College |
High Schools are required to identify students with disabilities. | Students are required to self-identify and provide documentation of disability. |
IEP is developed by a team of professionals & classes are arranged for the student. | Students are responsible for developing own academic goals, as well as self-advocacy. The IEP is a K-12 document only. |
Student accommodations are determined on a yearly basis. | Students must request accommodations each semester. |
Parental involvement is mandatory. | Parental involvement is limited as students are recognized as adults. |
Students attend classes 5 days/week 6 hours/day. | Students spend 12 to 16 hours per week in class. |
Public School District is responsible for costs for provision of public education and accommodations. | Students are responsible for paying University tuition & personal accommodation needs. May be eligible for financial assistance from CA Dept. of Rehabilitation. |
Teachers may provide one to one feedback on daily classroom performance. | Professors expect students to meet syllabus requirements and are available for meetings with students during office hours. |
Parents and teachers may closely monitor student's study habits. | Students are responsible for developing study habits that lead to their own success. |
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (2007). Students with disabilities preparing for postsecondary education: Know your rights and responsibilities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education.