WIOA Funded Programs

WIOA Programs FAQ

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is landmark legislation designed to strengthen and improve our nation's public workforce system, helping individuals secure high-quality jobs and career opportunities. LMU Extension is committed to supporting workforce development and enhancing career mobility through services that provide the skills and resources needed for success. WIOA services include:

  • Training Programs
  • Job Search Assistance 

Who Qualifies for WIOA funding?

You may be eligible for WIOA funding if you are:

  • Unemployed
  • Low-Income
  • A dislocated worker *
  • Out of School Youth (18-24)
  • Veteran
  • Justice Impacted

*A dislocated worker is an individual who has lost a job through no fault of their own due to a company closure, layoff, or military spouse relocation. 

What Kind of Programs Can I Take at LMU Extension?

Many of our programs are WIOA approved and identified as programs that lead to high-demand occupations.  Some of our most popular WIOA-funded programs include:

How Do I Find Out If I am Eligible for WIOA Funding?                                                           

Please contact your local America's Job Center (AJCC) to find out if your eligible for WIOA funding.  AJCC's in your area may be referred to as WorkSource Centers, One Stops, or Local Workforce Development Boards. To find an AJCC near you visit Career One Stop's American Job Center Finder. 

What Happens After I Contact an AJCC?

Once you have been determined WIOA eligible, you will be assigned a career counselor to guide you through career pathway planning and development of an individual employment plan. If your employment plan includes training activities, a career counselor will recommend training research activities and career assessments to help you find the right training program.

Is LMU Extension an Approved WIOA Training Provider?

LMU is an approved training provider under the State of California Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). California's ETPL includes qualified training providers who offer a wide range of education programs, including classroom, correspondence, online, and apprenticeship programs. This list is used by the State's public workforce system including America's Job Centers of California, Employment Development Department, CA Department of Rehabilitation and Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits

Contact us at jobtraining@lmu.edu  to find out more about our WIOA-funded programs