Campus Deadline: August 31 |  National Deadline:  October 2024

The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest (first awarded in 1902) and perhaps most prestigious international scholarship programme, enabling outstanding young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

The four criteria which governed the selection of Rhodes Scholars in 1902 are still the guiding criteria for the selection of Rhodes Scholars:

  • Literary and scholastic attainments (academic excellence)
  • Energy to use one's talents to the full (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, particularly where teamwork is involved)
  • Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness, and fellowship
  • Moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings.

The Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University (and College) fees as well as providing an annual stipend. In addition to the above, the Rhodes Trust will cover two economy class flights - to and from the UK - for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford. Scholars receive a settling-in allowance on arrival. The International Health Surcharge, which enables international students to access the UK's National Health Service, is covered for the duration of a Scholar's tenure. Following selection for the Scholarship, the Rhodes Trust will also cover the application fee required to apply to study at the University of Oxford.

Eligibility Criteria

For U.S. applicants, At the time of application, an applicant must be:

  • A citizen of the United States OR a lawful permanent resident of the United States OR a U.S. resident with DACA status on April 15 in the year of application.
  • Eligible to apply through one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or one of the U.S. territories: either in the state or territory where the applicant was legally resident on April 15 in the year of application, or where the applicant will have received at least two years of college training and a bachelor’s degree before October 1 in the year following the election.
  • At least 18 but not yet 24 years of age (i.e., the applicant must still be 23 on October 1 in the year of application).

An applicant with dual citizenship or applying as a United States lawful permanent resident or a U.S. resident with DACA status shall not have applied for the Scholarship as a citizen or permanent resident of another country, may not apply in two jurisdictions at once, and may not apply in a different national jurisdiction after having applied in the United States.

For all other applicants, please locate your Rhodes constituency (country). If your country is not listed, please apply for the Global Scholarship.

Application Components

  • Online application
  • Personal Statement*
  • List of Principal Activities
  • Proof of citizenship or lawful permanent resident status
  • Official transcript (or transcripts)
  • A clear, printable head and shoulders photograph (preferably high resolution).
  • 5-8 Letters of Recommendation
    • At least 4 of these letters must be persons from whom the applicant has received undergraduate or graduate instruction, and at least 1 letter (the fifth) must speak to the applicant's character

*Applicants are required to abide by specific personal statement instructions, including restrictions on editing. For more information about this Rhodes-specific policy, please visit: 


Exploring Graduate Programs for Fellowship Applications, Rhodes website for U.S. applicantsRhodes website for non-U.S. applicants