- Only students in good standing in Honors are eligible to receive grants.
- Grant to be used on research dissemination poster printing. Acceptable poster sizes for the LMU Research Symposium are 36”x48” and 48”x48”. Both poster sizes cost $60.
- If the student has other justifiable presentation expenses that they would like Honors' assistance with, it is possible that this grant may cover them as well.
- Funding beyond poster cost may be requested in the application. However, this will be decided on a case by case basis.
- Relevant information include: Project title, conference name, project description, justification of additional funds, and poster size.
- For information about payment method please contact Honors at honors@lmu.edu
- Deadline: No fixed deadline; however, grant requests must be submitted one week prior to chosen conference date to allow for grant consideration/processing.
To apply for Research Dissemination Poster Grant, please follow the link below: http://mylmu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Yxn9dmjmu8S4aV