Check for Course Requirements

As you plan for registration, it is recommended that you check for your course requirements and draft your schedule prior to meeting with your  assigned faculty/college advisor. Please review the following resources to help you get started:

University Bulletin

The University Bulletin provides sample 4-year plans for each major. The plans can be used as a guiding tool for understanding the general sequencing of your major-specific course requirements. The University Bulletin in updated every year. You can find this year’s University Bulletin here and can access the University Bulletin from previous years by using the drop-down menu located under the University Bulletin title.

For more specifics on how to utilize the University Bulletin, please click here.

Degree Works

Keep in mind that your Degree Works audit can also be a valuable tool for planning and advising purposes. It is your official LMU degree audit and houses all your degree requirements in a checklist format. You will want to consult Degree Works before and after you register to ensure that you are meeting the requirements necessary for your degree. We recommend that students use Degree Works in conjunction with the University Bulletin.

For step-by-step instructions, please click here.

Additional Resources 

For additional college-specific 4-year plans and checklists as well as information about the University Core Curriculum, please click here