
Integrations courses are meant to serve as culminating experiences for the Core Curriculum, encouraging students to develop a more mindful engagement with the world. In these courses, students will integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the Foundations and Explorations courses and their major courses, and apply them to a range of questions of contemporary significance. Courses may be taken in the appropriate level of any language available at LMU.

Students are required to take three* Integrations courses in Years 3 and 4:

  • Faith and Reason institutes dialogue between theology and other fields that inform and enrich the pursuit of questions of ultimate concern, an essential feature of a Jesuit and Marymount education that serves faith and promotes justice.
  • Ethics and Justice reflects LMU's commitment to the promotion of justice as a hallmark of the Core by exploring major philosophical, theological and spiritual traditions of ethics, and then engaging students in applying these theories to the ethical analysis of situations in a specific applied area, such as business ethics, war and peace, ecology, and the challenges of economic justice.
  • Interdisciplinary Connections, which demonstrates LMU’s commitment to the education of the whole person through interdisciplinary approaches to learning. Students will expand their understanding through the integration of at least two disciplinary approaches. The courses in Interdisciplinary Connections will fall into one of the following thematic categories: 1) Virtue and Justice, 2) Culture, Art and Society, 3) Power and Privilege, 4) Globalization and 5) Science, Nature and Society.

* Note: Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Engineering Physics are required to take two Integrations courses—one in Faith and Reason and another in Ethics and Justice.