Small Changes, Big Impact Workshop

Please email to be enrolled in our workshops. 

Small changes, big impact workshops are designed to make minor modifications to your learning assets (i.e., syllabus, rubrics, assessments) that lead to big impacts in equity, diversity and inclusion in the classroom environment.  

Assessment Practices for Online Learning (self-paced, 2-3 hours) 

The workshop aims to better balance assessment practices by introducing faculty to GRADUAL RELEASE – a teaching method that incorporates Reflective Assessment and Real Time Assessment Techniques to replace traditional grading practices. By the end of this workshop, participants will 1) successfully profile their individual grading practices for biases, and 2) develop strategies for implementing more inclusive and transparent assessment practices in the online environment.


TILT Your Syllabus (self-paced, 2.5 hours) 

More than ever, students are facing higher barriers to success and challenges with equitable learning; the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework applies small modifications to our educational materials to make them more accessible to our learners. In this workshop, learn how to make very minor modifications to your syllabus language, style, and form to make policy communications more clear and better received by your learners. 



Visual Learning Online Workshop (self-paced 2-3 hours) 

Dual Coding proponents argue that combining textual and visual information strengthens the memory forming process. In this workshop, familiarize yourself with the pedagogical principles of visual learning while gaining fluency with Zoom Whiteboards, Adobe Rush, Microsoft One Note, and document cameras.