Online Writing Resources

The Writing LibGuide

The Writing LibGuide is for both students and faculty at LMU. It's a great resource to help you answer many of the questions you have about writing--from how to organize your written ideas to how to revise run-on sentences. Our LibGuide covers content in the following categories:
  • General Writing Concerns
  • Style and Grammar
  • Using and Citing Sources
  • Writing in the Disciplines
  • Publication Opportunities 

Writing Webinars

If you're looking for help with specific concerns such as citation style guides or writing in specialized formats, check out the webinars below! 

Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review Webinars

These webinars cover the purpose and structure of unique genres that emphasize sources in research writing. 

Additionally, check out the RADAR strategies handout for help with evaluating sources.

APA Webinar

This three part series covers formatting, in-text citations, and reference pages according to the 7th edition of the APA style manual.

Chicago Style Webinar

This webinar covers the basics of Chicago style formatting and citations for writers just getting started with the style.

Peer Review Webinar

This webinar provides an overview for navigating a peer review session with a classmate, primarily how to provide constructive and specific feedback for your peers.

Be sure to check out the peer review worksheet as a resource.

Personal Statement Webinar

This webinar offers tips for writing personal statements for graduate school, scholarships, or different kinds of applications.

Reading & Writing Strategies

These webinars provide strategies for the preparation and planning stage of the writing process.

Screenwriting Webinars

This three part webinar series covers formatting scene headings, narrative description, and dialogue in screenwriting. 

Writing with Sources

This four part series covers the use, integration, and analysis of source information, as well as some common types of evidence.

Need help researching a topic and finding quality sources for support in your writing projects? Request a research consultation with an LMU librarian.