Los Angeles Stewardship Mapping & Assessment Project (STEW-MAP)


The Los Angeles Stewardship Mapping & Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) is part of a USDA Forest Service national research program that seeks to inventory, characterize, and geographically map the activities and relationships of environmental stewardship organizations in given areas. This project has the goal to improve both the scholarship and practice surrounding environmental stewardship and governance of urban natural resources. This project defines environmental stewardship as: the act of conserving, managing, monitoring, transforming, advocating for and/or educating the public about their local environments.

The Center for Urban Resilience’s STEW-MAP efforts include:

These projects are embedded in a network of STEW-MAP locations in the United States, including Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, O'ahu, Philadelphia, San Juan and Seattle. STEW-MAPs have also been implemented internationally in Columbia, France, China, and the Philippines. For a map with all STEW-MAP locations or more overall information about the USDA Forest Service research program, visit the national STEW-MAP site.

Advocate and/or plan for the local environment
Educate the public about the local environment
Manage or take care of a place in the local environment
Monitor the quality of the local environment
Transform local environmental systems
Conserve or preserve the local environment