Traveling and seeing new places can infuse your work with creativity.
LMU’s more than 60 study abroad program locations offer you the chance to learn from other cultures, earn credits towards core requirements and graduation, and develop a more global perspective. Several faculty-led options are designed to provide cohorts of LMU students with hands-on experience in their major along with exposure to different approaches to filmmaking abroad.
Choose from a wide range of locations for your study abroad experience or consider programs with more targeted course options for SFTV students (examples below).
Examples of semester programs and highlighted disciplines
Germany: LMU Film Production in Bonn – with SFTV faculty
Hungary: LMU Screenwriting in Budapest – with SFTV faculty
What courses will I take abroad?
During a semester abroad you will enroll in a full-time course load. Your schedule might be comprised of courses that fulfill core requirements or it could also include courses for your major. Meet with your Academic Advisor early on to discuss what required courses in your major or minor may need to be taken on campus at LMU, and what requirements you can accomplish through coursework abroad.